《(HP同人)Black Truth(英文版)》分卷阅读24

    herne frowned “i’m sure i’ve seen this type of sena before…”

    “it’s not in the veriae book, i heked”

    “no, not there” herne’s eyes seemed to sparkle as she started going through all the books she’d read in the past month, as it must have been in one of those…

    “oh, that’s it!” she suddenly eximed, earning her a disroving look from the librarian whih she ompletely ignored

    “what’s it?” harry asked in a quieter voie

    herne didn’t reply, as she’d gotten up from the table and was hurriedly making her way to a partiur shelf in the library a few minutes ter she ame bak and dropped a book on the table

    “dream magi?” harry asked, reading the title as best he ould upside-down

    “well,” herne looked apologetially at harry, “i thought it might be useful if there was a repeat of st year…”

    harry hose not to omment on that, instead he opened the book “so, how does this affet what’s going on now?”

    “well,” herne’s tone took on the exited tone it always had when talking about learning, “i read this around the seond day of shool, so i didn’t o it to the veriae thing—”

    the seond day of shool? harry shook his head on the seond day of shool, he’d been putting off doing the homework assigned on that first day of sses beause it wasn’t due theday

    herne had flipped through the book until she found the paragraph she remembered “you see, this says that there are some magial reatures that ear in their mate’s dreams by doing so, the dream magi omes into py, and dupliates whatever hens in the dream in real life”

    harry blinked “i an holy say i don’t get it, herne”

    “well, dream magi is normally dormant magi its job is to bane out your magi as you sleep um, how do i expin this…you know how when you sleep, your body sort of resets itself for theday?”

    harry nodded

    “well, dream magi is a dormant form of magi that does the same thing for your body’s magi only a very powerful spell or magial fore an tamper with dream magi”

    “so you’re saying-”

    “that the bond whih os you two uses dream magi”

    “but how does it work? we had loked doors between us st thursday and they were still loked when we woke up!”

    “shifting spae, maybe?” herne guessed “it’s the only expnan we have you might want to try hanging the dream and see what hens”

    “how do i do that? i’m sleeping, remember”

    “you’ll have to figure that out on your own harry” herne looked apologeti “i an’t dream for you, you know”

    “yeah i know” harry fought the urge to bang his head on the table “i’m just sik of it every m it gets worse”

    “i’m sure you’ll ome up with something, harry”

    harry took a few days to think of something, and in fat he didn’t really think of it to be truthful the solun ame about beause of a fight that ourred between himself and drao after dinner on sunday it had been about the da

    “look potter, i do not want to spend my free time sitting around wathing to make sure you don’t mess up and get hurt,” drao sned

    “malfoy, it’s alled ommitment, even though i’m sure that’s too big a word for you to uand it’s where people atually do what they promised to do”

    drao leveled a gre in harry’s diren “i never made suh a promise, potter, you did you live with the onsequenes of your own ans”

    “selfish bastard,” harry had muttered, st out of the room unbeknown to him, drao had wathed him go, trying to figure out why he was feeling the strange emon he was feeling about making potter so angry it hadn’t mattered before…

    harry had gone to the sheduled da meeting anyway, although he had made sure not to partiipate in the duel he’d then avoided going bak to his and drao’s rooms, by taking a very long and time onsuming walk down to the ke he’d wanted to take up time and it had worked it was after midnight when he finally turned from the ke’s murky waters and walked bak up to the astle, roused medusa from her sleep (she had not been pleased, the snakes of her hair muttering obsenities in parseltongue), and been faed with the dein to walk into the bedroom or sleep on the ouh harry had hosen the tter, his st waking thought being that if he did end up sleeping in the same bed as drao by m, he would not be responsible for his ans

    his dreams had been empty no voldemort, but no nie omfort feelings either it was rather freaky for sleep to be that empty, but when harry woke on the ouh them, that emptiness was a small prie to pay in his mind he’d been out of the room by the time drao had woken up in his own bed, feeling quite hy even though it was monday and he had pons first thing

    “you look really hy this m,” herne ommented as harry sat downto ron

    “i figured it out,” harry replied


    “yup i just need to fall asleep being really mad at malfoy”

    “that shouldn’t be too hard” ron grinned

    herne looked thoughtful but didn’t say anything, espeially when malfoy entered the great hall half an hour ter, shooting a deadly gre at harry’s bak as he did so pushing that idea out of her mind for the moment, herne tuned bak into the n that was hening around her about quiddith, and the fat that the slytherin vs gryffindor math, whih had been postponed, was going to be heldfriday

    thursday evening ame quikly for all of the shool, who were all waiting eagerly for the first math between harry potter and the veriae, drao malfoy well, everyone exept drao himself, who eared to be a disaster just waiting for a reason to explode upon someone he still ated the same yet his entire persona seemed to sream “stay away from me or you will get hurt” and no one knew ex
