《(HP同人)Black Truth(英文版)》分卷阅读23

    “it’s a note that allows me to get out of any of my sses should malfoy feel threatened,” harry muttered, passing the note aross the table

    “hey, you should use that to get out of snape’s sses!” ron eximed

    “exept for the fat that malfoy is in his pons ss,” herne pointed out

    “oh…” ron didn’t look so exited

    the divinan room looked the same as it always had, now that umbridge was gone and trewney was bak harry and ron sat at their ustomary table in the bak of the room and waited for their professor to arrive

    “welome all,” ame the misty voie, “today we will begin learning the use of tarot ards to help bring out your inner eye—”

    “but what hens if my inner eye is shy and doesn’t want to ome out?” ron muttered and harry grinned

    “—oh, and harry, in ten minutes don’t feel as if you have to ask before you leave, dear he will be waiting for you in the great hall”

    what? harry thought as the rest of the ss looked at him quesningly okay…maybe he should just use that predin as an exuse to leave the ss in ten minutes…

    “now, there are many different spreads that are used for a tarot reading, so pay attenn dears, for many of you will not uand this for a week beause you have not listened the one simirity for all these spreads is that they invoke your inner eye to interpret their meaning, not just reognize it one must know if a ard has eared in the reversed posin and what that means verses when a ard ears in the normal posin there are also many kinds of tarot deks that an influene the auray of the reading based on how they rete to your inner eye and within these deks there are the major arana ards and the minor arana ards you will begin to memorize the differenes in these ards for ourss, but only four of you will have memorized the meanings of all the tarot ards in the dek that you will reeive at the end of this lesson now the major arana is used for general—”

    harry’s eyes widened slightly as he felt a familiar burning sensan beginning to reep down the walls of his stomah and settle in a oil around his belly button oh no

    not b to ask to be exused from ss, harry got up and left the room

    ron looked at the lok on the wall and grinned it was nine minutes into ss, not ten should he point that out? hmmm…of ourse smirking boldly at the professor, he raised his hand

    harry ran into the deserted great hall to see drao sitting almly at the slytherin table waiting for him

    “what’s wrong now?” harry demanded and sat down angrilyto drao as drao’s hand found its way underh his shirt again he added, “i sure as hell wasn’t in a gerous situan”

    “no, i was”

    “were you in defense against the dark arts or something?”


    harry tried to think of more gerous ssroom situans it ouldn’t be are of magial creatures, harry took that with him “herbology?”


    “what ss?”

    “a runes”

    “what? what, pray tell, is so gerous about a runes?”

    “pansy,” drao replied almly as if that expined everything seeing the skeptial look on harry’s fae he ontinued “she won’t take a hint”

    harry sighed and fought the urge to bang his head on a hard surfae oh well, at least he didn’t have to go bak to divinan

    when harry entered his and drao’s rooms that night he was amazed to find drao loked in the bathroom with the shower running how many showers did that boy take? did he have some kind of weird fetish for them or something? no—bad thoughts, and why did harry are anyway? it wasn’t as if the water in hogwarts got old if one took an extremely long shower after all shrugging off his lothes and hanging into pajamas, harry limbed into his own bed and deided to test a reent idea of his maybe if he fell asleep first, he would remain safely in his own bed

    harry was out like a light before drao had gotten out of his shower

    harry awoke from a very pleasant dream about absolutely nothing (whih suited him just fine as that meant it was a very safe dream) to find that he was in no hurry to get out of bed, lounging on his stomah with his fae buried on the nie soft pillow at least he was until a slightly muffled voie from his hest area deided to omment on the m

    “okay, now this annot beome a normal ourrene, potter if you insist on sleeping in my bed, than i insist on being on top”

    harry balked and promptly fell off drao and off the bed, nding harshly on the floor oh, wasn’t that a wonderful way to start the m

    chapter 13: pinpointing the problem

    harry sat in the library, faing herne and waiting for the girl to respond after a week of waking up in drao—no, malfoy’s bed, he’d finally gotten fed up with trying to figure out how to stop it on his own he, or really they, had tried everything they ould ome up with first they’d tried harry falling asleep before drao hadn’t worked, exept for the small differene that somehow drao had been on top of harry in the m then harry tried sleeping out on the ouh in a room ompletely different from drao hadn’t worked, and they’d only been more tangled in eah other when m ame that time to be sure he’d overed every possibility, harry’d persuaded drao to sleep on the ouh thenight needless to say…it hadn’t worked harry’d ended up on the ouh with drao and harry’s bak had ahed for theday from the posin he’d slept in that night

    aross the table one ould almost see the gears turning in herne’s brain as she thought about the situan “well, are you sure you don’t sleep walk harry?”

    harry looked pointedly at herne “i think i would have notied it or ron would have pointed it out to me by now”

    “well, it was an opn, harry,” was the unabashed r
