《(HP同人)Under the Bludgeonings of Chance(英文)》分卷阅读26

    “you an’t lean firewhiskey with magi, potter” he said “are you mad? you’ll set yourself on fire!”

    harry ughed nervously, and then frowned when drao didn’t say anything else “seusly? i am overed in more than just firewhiskey i feel and smell disgusting!” malfoy’s eyes traveled down harry’s form and bak up again harry gulped whatever had passed between them minutes before had hanged something it had lifted a barrier that for so long had held bak a ferus devon, a mix of anguished desire and provoative ses

    “irrelevant,” he said he pulled out the timepiee “let’s go”

    harry proeeded to ompin that he wouldn’t leave until he hanged his lothes “i’m a bloody fire hazard!” he threw up his hands malfoy pointed out that they needed to hurry if they were to get bak and reunite with the others before the ransom was due harry shook his head “we are literally six weeks early for the ransom drop, we definitely have a few minutes to spare i’m going inside to find lothes”

    “nightlub’s don’t usually give people lothes, potter”

    “no,” harry smiled mishievously “but lubbers are often in the habit of leaving them behind” harry levitated the pnt and opened the side door to the lub they walked into magial fog and floating strobe lights, and it took almost a minute for harry’s eyes to adjust when he looked over at malfoy, the blond wore a satisfied grin “what is it?” harry asked

    “oh you know, just the perfet atmosphere for these ridiulous sungsses,” he smirked harry ouldn’t believe that malfoy had grabbed them during their rush to leave the house “find me when you’re no longer wet and stiky” he walked away and harry lost sight of him in the sea of bodies on the e floor

    harry made his way to what looked like a oat hek and shot the attent a warm smile

    the attent held up a tiket and said, “coat and—” she looked to harry’s right at the floating pnt, “—fius”

    harry shook his head, “oh no, i’m not heking the pnt” she raised a brow harry leaned in, “any hane you’ve got an extra shirt bak there? pair of sks?” he moned at the mess down his front “my date got upset with me and…” he trailed off

    “funny,” the attent said stoially, “i’ve never known a fius to retaliate in anger”

    “anyway,” harry ughed unomfortably “the lothes?”

    “right,” she said and then diseared down an aisle behind her harry waited a few minutes and then got worried, but she finally ame bak with a pile of folded lothes “these look like the only thing i had in your size”

    harry gned at the rainbow pattern and sighed, thinking it was a bit loud “thanks” he made his way to the loo he ast a quik privay harm by one of the sinks and then disrobed he’d still had the rolled up opy of the prophet tuked in his waist, but it had mostly been soaked through with a red, flowery-sented liquor harry tore off the front page to show ron about ginny, and tuked it into the purple oat’s poket

    the stinging jinx had hit him in the leg and the skin around it was overed in big, red welts he ast a healing spell, but it was only slightly suessful in reduing the swelling and redness he wasn’t in exruiating agony so he supposed it ould wait then he washed himself lean using the sink, but still ouldn’t quite get the feeling of alohol off his skin as soon as harry put on the rainbow striped pants and bk mesh shirt, he gasped

    “aye,” someone said from the other side of the room “you don’t look that good, get over yourself” harry stared at himself in the mirror this was what he’d been wearing—his other self sine the ase had taken off, he’d ompletely fotten

    “are you done watering your pnt? some of us need the sink” harry apologised and rushed out he threw on the purple oat and set out to find malfoy in the rowd

    he found an area at the edge of the efloor and sanned the sea of people all of them seemed to be losing themselves to the beat of a lady hippolyta song, and harry wished he ould join them and feel arefree for just a moment he wanted to surrender his heavy burdens, to lose himself in the rhythm of a song and the feel of another, a bekoning touh to lead him toward something like weightlessness

    harry hadn’t realized his eyes were losed until a hand softly urled around his waist and the spae in front of him warmed with the promise of a sound body he opened his eyes and took in the man in front of him, lines and edges softened by the kiss of darkened spae, grey eyes revealing a rapture at the objet of their fous “harry,” drao whispered

    “merlin,” harry whispered and his eyes fell to drao’s lips “i don’t know where these feelings live inside me,” he leaned forward and pressed his mouth to drao’s ear “but they’re there, they’ve always been” harry pulled bak so he ould see drao’s fae, and his lips skirted the other man’s heek in the proess when their eyes finally met, harry nearly felt drunk with antiipan he wathed drao wath him as he liked his lips

    then the pnt rashed into them and drao stumbled bakward “what—” harry looked around

    “is it—” someone nearby started to ask “it is! it’s harry potter!” the viinity broke out in murmurs as bodies started floking to his side harry looked around for drao but he’d diseared all he had was the damned pnt floatingto him

    “harry! what are you doing in edinburgh?” a woman shouted a young man ut in front of her “harry! is it true you’ve left the aurors to beome a hootier?” someone grabbed his shoulder and turned him around “harry! when is ginevra’s baby due? are you getting bak together?” a hand slid into his from behind and yanked harry out from the enter of the mob “harry!?”

    drao pulled harry away from the e floor and rushed them to the side exit and into the alley, the pnt fl
