《(HP同人)Under the Bludgeonings of Chance(英文)》分卷阅读25

    ially, drao was at a loss for words he wasn’t sure if it was the unbreakable vow or the fat that potter had left no spae between them maybe it was something in between the two all he ould do was orate on breathing and atively fous on a small fiber of something aught in the purple shag oat on harry’s shoulder

    he didn’t want to think about how harry’s frustrated rean lit something inside of him, or how messed up that made him feel drao knew what love was he knew what it meant to be tethered to someone and yearn for their hiness and safety there were those he loved like his mother or pansy he knew of desire, of building up to the edge of oblin and then shattering oneself after a moment of its touh while many people would state that what drao and harry might have felt in their past was hate toward eah other, drao disagreed suh a powerful emon like hatred had few faets, to wish harm upon someone, retribun, revenge, and the omplete dismantling of everything that person both loved and desired before their very eyes as he’d ome to uand them in that moment, drao’s feelings for harry weren’t exatly love, desire, or hate but instead a maddening ombinan of all three, never staying onstant, always hanging with the fliker of a stare or the wit off a tongue

    the threads he saw that oed them seemed to prove his point in the way they’d hanged every time they touhed, argued, agreed, or somehow omforted the other

    “well?” harry breathed

    “i think you know the answer to that” drao met his eyes “i think you’ve known for a while, you just ouldn’t admit it”

    harry let go of drao and turned away “what’s that supposed to mean?”

    the loss of ontat almost hurt “i’m not a bloody mind healer, potter, how the fuk would i know what goes on in your sar-addled head?” drao rolled his eyes and shook his head he needed to tell harry the truth, and he needed to keep a level head “beause if i’m not in opposin to you, then it must mean, on some level, i’m with you” drao wathed as harry’s hest rexed, shifting to something rhythmi and more even his alm seemed to reah aross the room and pull drao toward him

    “sometimes,” harry started to say but stopped he turned and gazed at drao, who almost gasped at the disillu he found within them “sometimes it feels like i know everything about you, and sometimes it feels—” he shook his head “—it just feels like it will never be enough”

    “i’m ursed,” drao rushed out he thought briefly it might’ve been harry’s raw hoy that ompelled him to tell one of his st serets harry’s eyes went wide and he took a step toward drao, who shook his head and bit his lip “there were six of us ursed,” he expined “granger inluded”

    harry grabbed drao’s hand “what sort of urse? are you two in ger?”

    “eah urse is different, i an’t speak for hers, but mine is—well, it’s hard to expin it’s like i an see fate i see the threads between people”

    potter was quiet for a long time, but his hand remained firmly ed around drao’s “so all that nonsense about fate having woven us together,” potter started

    “turns out it’s not nonsense”

    “so these threads,” potter said “there’s one oing us?”

    “you ould say that,” was all drao ould bring himself to say how ould he tell harry? how ould he find the words to expin the thikest threads he’d seen were the four that tethered them to eah other?

    potter spoke up so drao wouldn’t have to “is it beause of the ase? we’re meant to do this together?” drao knew his fae was betraying him “not the ase then”

    drao deided to expin what he uood about threads in generalities “i don’t see them all the time they ear in moments where the ns are relevant or simply lose there are threads for past links, present, and future threads for love, hate, or rather —varians of light and darkness it takes a bit of time to learn the gradients, the olors, and their meaning” drao took a breath “i think—beause i’m a person with my own ns, not an outside fore—i feel pulled to ertain threads, drawn forward to at in servie of my own iable design”

    “so there are multiple threads between us?” potter took a step loser drao ould barely breathe suddenly they were inhes apart and all he ould fous on was the ferveny in potter’s gaze

    “past,” drao nodded

    “i’d imagine,” potter’s lips quirked

    “present” drao swallowed he ouldn’t hold potter’s gaze any longer so he stared at the threads oing them, the array a blooming dispy of magi fores potter looked down, following drao’s gaze he spread his hand on drao’s hest the warmth of potter’s touh almost burned him a brief pause, and potter looked up into drao’s eyes and drao wasn’t sure who said, “future?”

    they stood there so lose, staring at eah other with inexpliable antiipan drao realized he was leaning, losing the gap between them, physially, emonally, he’d never dreamed of being that lose to harry potter in his life potter’s eyes fluttered, and drao thought maybe

    “harry,” he whispered

    potter’s eyes shot open “is that a pnt?” he breathed and pushed drao away, rushing to the orner of the room near a rge window “is it inquollis arpus?”

    “i don’t know,” drao aknowledged “give me a moment while the blood rushes bak to my brain”

    potter’s eyes darted to drao’s roth he flushed and turned bak toward the window was he embarrassed? ashamed? potter’s form seemed tense as he stood raising the tall, leafy flora “we have to get bak for the ransom drop”

    “not if we onvine zivantus to fix this mess!”

    “you must know by now we an’t do that! we an’t hange anything don’t you see?” potter pointed to the rge potted pnt it was nearly as tall as
