《(HP同人)Under the Bludgeonings of Chance(英文)》分卷阅读21

    when he was ertain they’d made it down the path far enough to be out of earshot of anyone, drao leared his throat he wasn’t sure how to tell them about the timepiee he wasn’t even sure if he ould tell them about it the only thing he knew was the threads were seizing, the way forward narrowed, and the only way through was to go bak

    “there’s one thing that bothers me,” potter rushed to speak first

    “only one thing?” drao gned at him and smirked he had to look bak at the path to wath his steps as the fading light drifted below the horizon, but he was ertain potter had smiled

    “if they ould s souls with anyone in the world,” potter asked, “why did they hoose bertrie and a kneazle?”

    “maybe they didn’t,” parkinson offered “maybe—i don’t know—maybe it was an aident”

    potter stopped and grabbed drao’s shoulder “or maybe you were right about the kneazle”

    drao drank in the boldness in potter’s eyes and grinned “i think onfirman that the soul-sing pnt sena is in fat somehow real has established that i was right”

    “no,” potter rolled his eyes “the kneazle it was leverage”

    igora threw her fourth igarette down on the ground and stamped it out she knew less than a dozen wandless spells, but the most used one, disear igarette butt, ended up being more magi than she’d done all day standing outside the hotel entrane seemed to both alm and stress her, as she went over every detail of the ase in her head

    she and felix had done everything by proedure she ouldn’t tell if she was missing something, if they’d somehow made a mistake, or them losing the ase boiled down to someone else’s ego or maybe they had stepped on someone’s toes who? igora wondered ron weasley? the department of mysteries? she briefly remembered the golden t had trekked into the hotel harry bloody potter? no, whoever had taken the ase from them was gravely mistaken if they thought igora would stop looking for bertrie zivantus

    she lit another igarette and stared out into the street felix had gone bak to the offie, but igora had felt it in her bones that she was needed at the hotel her instints had only ever failed her with lovers and the lottery, so she waited stoially in the ool drizzle of the early evening

    the pop of an arin pulled her from her thoughts igora peered around the deorative bushes “helga help us,” she whispered at the sight of drao malfoy, pansy parkinson, and harry potter huddled together at the bottom of the ashtyl’s steps

    “i’ll go hek on bertie,” parkinson said igora dropped her igarette in surprise her eyes followed the woman’s form up the steps, noted the ollen of books slung under parkinson’s arm

    “why don’t you go with her?” malfoy nodded to potter “i ould use a few minutes to lear my head” his hands were stuffed awkwardly in the pokets of his waistoat

    potter fixated on malfoy “are you sure you’re alright?” potter took a step and losed the gap between them now that was iing, igora ast an amplifying harm to hear their n — “sonorus”

    “it wasn’t the bk bean hoof brittle, was it?”

    malfoy raised a brow “are you implying lovegood an’t make an adequate brittle?”

    “i—i just—” potter stammered and—igora leaned forward, was he blushing?—he ran a hand through his loose hair “i guess i owe you an apology”

    “so not only do you save the entire wizarding world, but now you apologise for loony lovegood’s abysmal attempts at sweets?” malfoy smiled and stared bak at harry potter with a gaze of reverent admiran “were i in your posin, i doubt i’d do the same”

    something simmered between the lines, and igora wasn’t sure what it was weren’t these two sworn enemies? rivals, at least? potter had spoken up for malfoy at his trial but this? igora wasn’t sure if she was really looking at the same people hang on, she thought why did potter’s lothes look so familiar?

    potter’s fae rexed “all the same i guess i’ll leave you to your thoughts” he turned around and limbed the steps as malfoy’s eyes followed potter’s form, the blond dug something out of his waistoat and gripped it in front of him

    after a few moments, he finally looked down and opened his hand to reveal a golden poket wath malfoy ied it for a moment with a shrewd eye and then fiddled with the dials

    “look malfoy, about what hened at neville’s,” igora hadn’t seen potter desend the steps, and arently, malfoy hadn’t notied either judging by the horrified surprise pstered aross his fae potter’s gaze fell to the golden wath in the other man’s palm

    without pause, potter lunged at malfoy

    igora saw the rash of limbs and then a bright, blinding white light she blinked several times in reovery, only to see the spot in front of her ompletely empty the two men were gone

    harry felt as if he’d been falling for days, but his feet had never left solid ground

    and then there was something solid and warm pressed against him it smelled like forest and sunshine and hogwarts someone “malfoy,” harry pushed the man away the fore sent the blond stumbling bakward, his arms outstrethed to bane himself harry zeroed in on the golden wath in malfoy’s right hand “that wouldn’t be a timepiee in your hand? would it?”

    with wide eyes, malfoy responded by shoving the objet in quesn into his poket

    “that wouldn’t be,” harry stepped forward and poked a finger into malfoy’s hest, “the timepiee? as in the thing on the ransom list? marwan zivantus’ bloody time turner?” harry ouldn’t stop his blood from pratially boiling with anger just when he’d deided he ould trust malfoy, the git proves that he an’t be trusted “i was right,” he said, hest heaving “i was right and you ughed at me you had it this entire time”

    malfoy’s features molded into something ral,
