《(HP同人)Under the Bludgeonings of Chance(英文)》分卷阅读20

    “iigators,” rang a voie from nearby ignora was met by the beady eyes of the auror, bastien queensbury “i’m gd you’re here,” he said “it saves me the trouble of writing a formal letter”

    “you have something to share with us?” felix oked a brow

    “yes,” queensbury nodded, something shrill in his tone “the home offie has deemed your ase a part of mine and reassigned you i will need all your ase notes and files”

    laughing, igora walked away

    “stramitz,” queensbury warned “there is extensive evidene umphrey was w with zivantus to sell gerous stolen goods on the bk market this has been deemed the highest prity and my auror task fore will be solely responsible for the iigan moving forward”

    “and bertrie?” igora raged “who is going to be responsible for finding that poor girl?”

    the short man frowned “we will do everything we an”

    she huffed, her breathing a harsh rhythm bouning between seething rage and heartbreaking disoi felix stepped forward and shook his head, “right, you’ll do what you an between raiding the warehouses and returning the high pried valuables to their rih owners” he turned to igora “i fot it was an elen year”

    “just owl me the files,” queensbury waved them off “move on to yourase that’s an order” he walked away and diseared down a hallway igora pratied even breaths

    “we are not moving on,” she said they needed a sudden disovery to hange their diren igora needed a break in the ase but more importantly, she needed a igarette

    reining in mlaggen had arently beome iarus sableton’s full time job he talked him down from giving granger veritaserum, but her wand had been onfisated iarus relutantly agreed with that an

    “we have to protet people,” mlaggen said

    iarus nodded “yes, but granger ame in willingly she just onfirmed her urse is maly harmless”

    mlaggen frowned “love an be very gerous”

    “i bet,” iarus said doubtfully frankly, the eros curse seemed like one of the more manageable afflins manageable in that it didn’t ause immediate death or destrun, although love was known to lead to both of those things in the worst of irumstanes

    he debriefed granger without mlaggen, and when he asked if the two had a history, granger snorted and rossed her arms she grew inreasingly frustrated and demanded to speak with the pandora projet leader

    “there was an emergeny,” iarus expined, and he tried not to ugh he really did chukling, “they found garius santi—let’s just say, in a tight situan”

    “garius?” granger quesned “have they identified his urse?”

    iarus thought about one of the department of mysteries’ ser-most offiials parading down the atwalk in a dress and full makeup and nodded he shook the thought and addressed the matter at hand they wanted granger to help bring in the others and then assist in breaking the urses

    “i an’t help you bring in the others!” she said “i’m—i’m—-well, i ame in as a ourtesy”

    “a ourtesy?”

    granger nodded “marwan zivantus has been killed, and his timepiee is missing”

    “we’re aware” iarus found it inreasingly uling the amount of unspeakables outside of the time chamber who knew about the iniquitous eleven and their timepiees

    “are you aware,” granger raised her brows, “that there is some sort of soul-sing ult s edinburgh for the missing timepiee?”

    iarus grabbed his jaw and losed his eyes “what—?”

    “i don’t have time to expin, sableton, i just need a poket wath resembling a timepiee and a portkey permit for the ministry barraks”

    iarus was still hung up on the soul-sing ult in edinburgh part “why—?”

    “why should you let me, herne granger—a bright and loyal servant of this ministry and a deorated war hero—have a few trivial requests in the fae of a potentially horrendous ministry blunder beoming truly amitous?”

    “let’s go with that” iarus had a sinking feeling that no matter what hened after this moment, he would be doing paperwork for the rest of his life

    “if you allow me this, and you let me leave tonight,” granger offered, “i will ome bak tomorrow i will spend every waking minute helping bring in the others and finding a solun to the urse”

    “deal,” iarus breathed “but you get a tail tonight”

    “fine,” granger agreed “anyone but mlaggen,” she said, just as iarus added, “it’s gonna be mlaggen”

    longbottom didn’t ask any other quesns, but offered them a few books and suggested reading on the subjet of inquollis arpus he flipped through the pages of one of the books and pointed to an ething of a rge, leafy pnt “doesn’t look like anything speial,” pansy muttered

    potter thanked his friends and followed drao and pansy out of the greenhouse, and the sudden shadow of the situan ast itself bak over them they stayed silent as they made their way bak through the astle drao tried to imagine something they ould do but even if they ould get bertrie/guinevere bak safely, how would they swith them bak?

    marwan zivantus’ timepiee he felt around in the poket of his waistoat for the ool metal of a poket wath

    a figure in the entrane hall stepped out and startled them “there’s no way i an onvine you to stay for supper, potter?” mgonagall asked, steely gaze fixed upon the gryffindor she walked into the light and drao barely reognised her without the strain and stress of the war, she eared years younger, almost youthful in earane and demeanor her promon to headmistress ertainly suited her

    potter gave her a genuine smile and shook his head “sorry, headmistress it’s this ase we have to go”

    mgonagall gned over harry’s shoulder and smiled at drao and pansy “it’s a joy to finally see som
