《(HP同人)Under the Bludgeonings of Chance(英文)》分卷阅读10

    “eversworn,” malfoy alled harry gned over his shoulder and soffed when he saw that malfoy was still radling the damned kneazle in his arms

    “i’m going to the ministry,” was all harry ould bring himself to say

    “well, alright”

    harry stopped “that’s it? you have us break into someone’s house to get bertrie, we proeed to leave her there, and now you’re fine with simply going to the ministry and having them handle it?”

    malfoy shot harry a areful look “there was obusly something very wrong with that girl you ouldn’t help her perhaps they an”

    “and you didn’t think to grab her? arate out with her? or were you too busy ooing over that dreadful animal?” harry pointed to guinevere, who hissed in response

    “there’s something speial about this kneazle i rather like her”

    “she attaked me”

    “what’s not to like?” there was a satisfied look on malfoy’s fae and it reminded harry of their time at hogwarts he expeted the look to morph into an ht sneer but was shoked when malfoy simply winked at him instead and then turned his attenn on the ball of fur in his hands

    harry bit his lower lip, onfused “alright then,” he finally managed to say “i’m going to go tell them what i know now atually, you know what? you should tell them” harry thought it was a rather ingeus test to prove if malfoy really had noble ns “i’m a person of i and they’ll just make too many assumpns it should be you”

    “you’re a person of i? that would imply that someone, somewhere finds you iing”

    “malfoy, will you go or not?”

    malfoy ated as if he didn’t hear him and ontinued to oo at the kneazle, rubbing her belly as he radled her like a baby “i don’t trust the authorities to solve this ase,” malfoy finally said

    harry rolled his eyes, “but you trust me? we’ve only just met” the blond didn’t aknowledge harry’s words he simply arried on doting on the red devil harry gave up and walked the rest of the way to the edinburgh main offie

    he’d been there twie before the first oan had been under quite dire irumstanes there had been three werewolf attaks in a matter of days and half of the wizarding ommunity in sotnd were in a pani it was one of the few times harry had been able to get out into the field with ron, and though they didn’t do muh more than anvas a few neighborhoods, it had felt good to be a part of something again

    ron had been on loads of misns by then he’d made his way around the department and got assigned different ases and different partners, and harry had the suspn robards was grooming ron for a very speifi job harry might’ve envied ron from time to time, espeially when he found himself being paraded around as the fae of the new ministry but most of his jealousy boiled down to wishing he ould make a differene harry wanted ron to be a suessful auror, merlin, he’d love to be taking direns from head auror weasley someday in fat, that would be where his envy might stop harry didn’t want the responsibility of a managing posin he just wanted an atual bloody job

    you had a job, he thought to himself and you srewed it up

    that reminded him of the seond time he visited the dmle in edinburgh harry aompanied robards for a high prity interrogan, one of the st known death eaters, too gerous to be moved

    “i just need you to stand against the wall in the bakground,” robards had said before they flooed to edinburgh “look menaing we don’t want to srew this up”

    harry did as he was told, mostly beause he was ied to see how robards roahed the situan it ended up being a fasinating game to wath as robards piked at the man, whittled his statements down to nothing, raked open the lies in what seemed effortless, the head auror pulled valuable intel from the man within two hours, and it ended up saving the lives of four urse breakers in a standoff outside le

    at the time, harry had been grateful to see a textbook tehnique exeuted so well and rather ruthlessly but as he roahed the doors of the dmle, he realized he’d probably never get a hane at a proper interrogan himself

    “good m,” a voie rang to the left of the entrane, harry reognized one of the iigators that interviewed him at the hotel stramitz, maybe? she was leaning against the wall, asually holding a half gone igarette harry found it an odd oinidene sine she was the person he was oming to see

    “i have some rman for you,” harry said, and then regretted it he kept fetting he was a quesnable low-life and someone the iigators would likely distrust, ause, or even jail

    stramitz smiled “i bet you do”

    harry followed her through the main entrane, down a rowded hallway filled with preoupied aurors rushing around, until they reahed an offie at the bak of the building

    “here we are,” she said and led him inside he briefly notied stramitz’s partner before a familiar figure to the left aught his eye harry turned so fast and blinked that he almost fell over


    his best friend stoodto an empty desk, arms rossed, with a look of hopelessness harry hadn’t seen on ron’s fae sine their shool days he was giving harry the dejeted stare he used to give essays he’d ome up short on “har—have you lost your bloody mind?” ron stammered, and harry was sure he’d almost said harry’s name his suspn was onfirmed when ron, visibly anus, added an awkward, “arhie?”

    harry opened his mouth to speak, but he really didn’t know where to start had ron gotten his owl yet? harry looked between stramitz and her partner before he deided it was safe to ask “i sent mister wazlib a letter this m”

    “well he didn’t get it, mate,” ron shook his head he stared at the ground “these here have some que
