《(HP同人)Under the Bludgeonings of Chance(英文)》分卷阅读9

    “get up,” malfoy whispered and pulled harry by his jumper as soon as harry was bak on his feet, he rushed to malfoy’s other side and bak to the room full of neers malfoy took a few seonds to ath up he returned to the room with the kneazle still in his arms and liked his lips “now, you an’t possibly tell me that wasn’t strange”

    harry pursed his lips and gred malfoy was about to say something else but something pushed him off bane, sending him straight into a stak of papers almost as tall as him there was a grunt and a hiss, and the papers went flying in all direns when they’d settled, harry saw bertrie sitting in the doorway looking pleased

    “guinevere!” the woman’s voie arried down the hall bertrie turned toward the sound “oh there you—” the woman eared in the door behind bertrie but stilled as soon as she notied harry reognin washed over her fae and she shouted, “you!”

    harry flew forward, grabbed one of malfoy’s arms, and pulled him toward to the bakdoor he was about to arate both of them out when malfoy shook off his grip and turned bak to the house harry tried to shout no but he was still under the silene charm and nothing ame out self preservan was about to win until he saw a blond blur rushing bak through the door harry arated to the edge of the row of homes without a seond thought

    he stood with his hands on his knees, panting, and jumped when the kneazle ame flying from over the fene, ndingto his foot

    “merlin!” harry shouted, shoked that he atually made a sound a moment or two passed before malfoy flipped over the top of the fene in a graeful spetale harry gred at him “so, you’re just throwing animals around now?”

    “kneazles always nd on their feet” he smirked “as do malfoys”

    harry rolled his eyes “why’d you take the damn thing, anyway?” he found himself absentmindedly rubbing his right thigh where guinevere’s ws had dug into him

    “leverage, of ourse”

    iarus saw the look of exasperated disroval on the man’s fae and briefly thought he’d never rete to another person more in his life whoever arhie eversworn was, he definitely wasn’t who he led on to be he managed to break a reord by not trying to strangle drao malfoy though, admittedly, it was still early in the day, and eversworn looked well and truly irritated

    “target has aquired an animal,” mlaggen said

    iarus was enus of eversworn’s self ontrol “yes, i see that”

    mlaggen turned to iarus, frowning “are we going to bring him in? he’s just broken into that poor woman’s home and stolen her pet”

    “did you even read the misn report?” iarus took a few deep breaths, reminding himself he’d need the other man at some point when things iably esated

    “i, uh,” mlaggen’s iy eyes fluttered for a moment and his jaw tensed “i sifted through the files”

    iarus had started gathering their things and taking down the deepn wards “sifted?” he stopped “you didn’t read about pandora?”

    “of ourse i read about the damned box!” mlaggen, to his redit, was an an man through and through leave it to him to study the threats, all of the threats, and not the simple task before them

    “right now, mlaggen, our only misn is to observe this afflited target the others—” iarus paused and threw up a mental wall he ouldn’t let himself go down that line of thinking the box had unleashed all manner of urses on those in the a chamber iarus would have nightmares if he thought about any of the others malfoy had been luky “the others aren’t in our periphery”

    and then, in an odd turn of events, mlaggen foused on iarus with a pointed, seus stare that pinned him frozen “not yet, at least,” mlaggen replied and then kept dissembling their gear like nothing had hened iarus, on the other hand, stood monless as a dreadful realizan pushed to the front of his thoughts

    the other six unspeakables who’d been ursed were still unaounted for

    garius santi

    elphie bloomington

    timo tresden

    howard larson

    marianne ashwell

    herne granger

    “no bloody way,” felix said, his eyes wide and mouth dropped open igora turned bak to the sene outside the laughing fox a quartet of aurors were interviewing people on the street

    igora turned to weasley “still think your man is i?” weasley paled igora smiled and roahed one of the aurors, a stoky fellow she didn’t reognize who was interviewing a young, nervous woman “i’m igora stramitz with missing persons,” she nodded in introdun “we’re here for an interview what exatly is going on?”

    “bastien queensbury,” the man replied, his eyes skirted over her, then behind to felix and weasley if he reognised the redhead, it didn’t show queensbury turned to the pub and said, “there’s been a death”

    “who died?” weasley stepped in and towered over queensbury

    the shorter man onsidered him for a moment “garnd umphrey” weasley’s fae rexed with relief queensbury’s eyes narrowed “who are you looking for?”

    felix was about to answer, but igora raised her hand to silene him “umphrey? is that the old man in 2b?”

    queensbury nodded “we’ve been wathing him the st two months in ren to the theft and illegal resale of rare and gerous harmed memorabilia”

    “was his death reted to your ase?” igora asked

    as if trying to deide whether he should divulge any more rman, queensbury shared a long look with igora before ultimately giving his somewhat aluted reply “we aren’t ertain, but we are looking for the man who rents the ft aross the hall” he pulled out a notepad and read off the name, “arhie eversworn” igora didn’t have to look at weasley to know he was the one behind her who had a sharp intake of breath queensbury didn’t miss it either “our spei
