《(HP同人)Under the Bludgeonings of Chance(英文)》分卷阅读5

    iarus losed his eyes and tried to summon more patiene at this rate, he should’ve run out hours ago “i an hear that,” he managed to say bak his grip on the harmed listening devie tightened and the voies from the ft beame muffled for a moment iarus took a breath and loosened his fingers

    “should we move?”

    “no, the misn is observe and protet,” iarus said, bringing the mental tally to sixteen times he’d had to repeat the basi tenant of their assig silene finally settled between them, and he thought for a moment he would have some peae

    “i have a lear shot”

    “don’t take it” iarus turned and saw mlaggen with his wand raised, liking his lips and smiling

    “do i take it?”

    “don’t—” the words barely left his mouth before he heard mlaggen mutter a stunning spell that went flying aross the alley through the open window of the ft iarus wathed in horror as it heted off a sone near the door and flew somewhere into the eiling inside the stranger had shoved malfoy through the entrane and smmed the door, missing the spell by mere inhes

    mlaggen’s shoulders sagged “missed”

    iarus sighed “thank sazar for that pak up, we’re following the target”

    “was that a spell?” igora raned her head around to try and get a view of the building aross the way from eversworn’s ft “what just hened?”

    felix lowered his thermos and shook his head

    they’d set up aross the street from the laughing fox and expeted a slow and b night wathing drunks fall out of the seedy pub upon finding out eversworn lived above suh an unsavory pe, igora felt even more justifian in her belief that he was in fat hiding something what she hadn’t expeted was to wath a strange, well-dressed man expertly sale the building and break into eversworn’s ft

    felix pointed out the window “look!” the strange man in quesn ame out of the side entrane and almly strolled down the street there was no mistaking the pointy features and long blond hair igora’s eyes bulged when she realized drao malfoy had just made ontat with their person of i

    a few moments ter, movement from the building aross the alley aught her attenn two men in standard ministry overt-ops robes rushed out from the entrane and rept in the shadows they kept a safe distane from malfoy igora snorted “that looks like a standard auror stakeout”

    felix tilted his head and turned to her “is the guy we’re tailing meeting up with another guy who is also being tailed by other people?”

    “that ears to be the ase,” she replied, but igora felt something entirely bigger was at py

    after having reovered from the break in and subsequent kiking out of drao malfoy, harry left his ft to walk around and lear his head he’d put up extra wards and sealed the window just in ase malfoy had any idea of oming bak while harry was gone

    at first he thought he might sneak bak into the ashtyl to spy on the ard game, but his feet took him past the hotel to the border with muggle edinburgh the air felt heavy around him, as if it held some sort of answer to his problem but wasn’t ready to offer it up with every step he took away from travertel and cremfig heights, harry felt more and more at ease he needed to start from srath if he was going to salvage this assig he stopped by a pub for a pint before he headed bak, wandering the smaller side streets of the area

    he wondered absently what malfoy was up to in edinburgh and how the man he thought was arhie eversworn might be inlined to help him last harry had heard, he had been kiked out of a ministry training program for quesnable test results in the field harry had felt a tinge of sympathy for malfoy sine the war, he had done nothing but try to right the wrongs of his family with haritable reparans, outspoken support of progressive ideas throughout the wizarding world, and trying to join the ministry, though harry, for the life of him, ould not remember what department he’d lied to herne had menned malfoy one after oming to the pub from a big meeting

    “why would the department of mysteries be meeting with malfoy?” harry blurted

    herne’s eyes bulged “historial fat heking the malfoy arhives go bak for ages, harry if there is one thing purebloods exel at more than anything, it’s detailed reord keeping”

    “and malfoy just let you rummage around in his family’s arhives?” harry frowned

    ron snorted “he doesn’t have muh of a hoie, does he?”

    “ron!” herne warned

    “well, he doesn’t!” ron protested “if he says no to the ministry, they’re bound to think he’s hiding something”

    harry nodded in agreement he took a sip of his pint and asked, “what were you even looking for, herne?”

    “you know i an’t tell you that” she onsidered it for a moment and then sighed “but i did find some rather iing douments about the family’s urn herd”

    “there are urns at malfoy manor?” both harry and ron raised their eyebrows

    “there were before the statute of serey”

    harry shook his head “that was hundreds of years ago! what ould you possibly need to know from that time?”

    herne broke his gaze and looked down “i found it inredibly fasinating, is all”

    “it’s a wonder how you get any work done in that pe, but i guess we’d never know either way, would we?” ron mused he turned to harry and started raving about the new beater for the ons, and they never disussed malfoy again

    harry ould hardly believe that malfoy had broken into his ft, even if harry was underover and frankly unreognisable what did malfoy want with arhie eversworn and what in godri’s name was he talking about, ‘strange ourrenes’? why did he are about what hened in the penthouse?

    while it was true that harry had mostly been living a mu
