《(HP同人)Under the Bludgeonings of Chance(英文)》分卷阅读4

    harry’s mouth dropped “you think i’m oed to it?”

    valentine smiled, “absolutely not”

    “but you just said i was too involved in it!”

    “you were too involved in the events of today, yes”

    “how an i be too involved if i was just doing my job?” valentine simply stared bak at him harry, desperate to see out his shift and try to find any intel from the thursday night ard games, pleaded, “bsp;i at least finish out the shift? you have no one to repe me”

    “no, it’s an instant terminan” valentine shook his head and started to pry the porter’s jaket off of harry’s shoulders “everyone is repeable”

    harry shook his head inredulously “you literally said at my performane review that i was irrepeable”

    valentine moned for harry to take off his dress pants and said, “the you from then was irrepeable, but the you from today is ompletely repeable see to it that you get your things and don’t set foot in here again thank you, arher”

    months of w there and valentine ouldn’t even be bothered to remember his name maybe ron was right, arhie eversworn was fettable after he’d hanged bak into his street lothes and gathered his personal items, harry felt too dejeted to say goodbye to anyone and immediately left

    he ouldn’t bring himself to send word to ron yet, so he meandered his way bak to his ft in a downtrodden haze just as he started to think there might be hope, some way to fix the situan, he tripped over something and fell to the ground a loud hiss ehoed in his ear, and he aught the blur of a red kneazle before it hurried aross the street to find refuge in an alove

    he mildly reognized it as the same kneazle from earlier, but his gaze foused on the bloody page of the prophet on the ground before him it must have slipped out of his poket when he fell harry turned it over and examined the print for the first time

    new pyers called up for quiddith nanal team—barton hu has named the provinal squad for theseries of friendlies against irend, croatia, and pakistan new names among the pyers featured are heidi mtavinton, bart martin, and ginevra weasley

    he smiled well that was something he shoved the paper bak in his poket and went home at least something went right for someone today, he thought as he entered the side entrane of the laughing fox

    harry took slow steps up to his ft and paused in front of the door as the dulet tones of alwyn and the briarluks drifted over from umphrey’s ft something about the depressing melody of “you craked my cauldron and now we’re done” brought harry’s spirits rashing bak down again

    how ould he have let this hen? he’d had one job and messed everything up he let ron down, and robards, and missed the hane to prove he was more than just the boy who lived twie he was apable he just needed to figure something out maybe there was a way to infiltrate the pons ring from the inside, if only he hadn’t lost aess to the hotel harry kiked the door frame he shook his head, sighed, and opened his door

    he walked into his ft and marhed to the kithen to make himself a up of tea harry didn’t realize all the lights were on until he’d grabbed the kettle and turned to the sink he started to gne around and then heard a bang from the other side of the stu, turning just in time to see a figure in the window ground his feet on the floor and stand straight

    before harry ould put the kettle down to grab his wand, the blond figure had disarmed him

    “you,” harry breathed he took in the lithe frame of drao malfoy dressed in head to toe bk robes

    “hello,” malfoy said, staring at harry his fae revealed absolutely nothing there was no trae of exern or disomfort after having, arently, limbed the building and rawled through the window grey eyes fell to the kettle in harry’s hand “are you making tea?” malfoy snidely ommented

    harry went for a knife, but malfoy lunged aross the room faster than he’d antiipated and whaked it out his hand they stood lose for a moment before harry took a step bak and ran into the ounter with his arms still raised in a defensive stane, he asked, “how did you get in here?”

    malfoy blinked “the window obusly” he pointed to the tea kettle “will you make tea or shall i?”

    harry frowned then he realized malfoy was breaking into arhie’s ft malfoy had no idea he was talking to harry potter “i don’t make it a habit of inviting intruders to sit and stay for tea”

    “you think i’m intruding?” malfoy almost sneered, but it atually looked like half a smile he held harry’s gaze for longer than was omfortable and then peered around the ft “it looks as if you might need some intrun in your life”

    “what is that supposed to mean?” harry said, suddenly unsure if he was more inensed at the slight against him or that malfoy was expertly distrating harry from the fat that he’d been aught breaking in harry looked around and reminded himself that malfoy didn’t know who he was

    malfoy strolled over to the ouh and sat down with a graeful fluidity he leaned bak and stared at his nails “you’ve had a sudden brush with the strange and extraordinary, haven’t you?”

    harry narrowed his eyes at malfoy “a strange burgr in my ft, yes”

    “a series of events have unfolded, all quite odd and seemingly ued, but simir in that they were peuliar or unexpinable?” harry rossed his arms malfoy ontinued, “you have had quite a b time as of te, unsatisfatory, monotonous, no suess to speak of—at work or in the bedroom—but then today something hanged suddenly there is a swirl of bizarre ativity surrounding you”

    for a seond, harry ouldn’t breathe he thought of the lift ride and seeing some vern of himself down the hall arguing with an unknown figure his
