《(HP同人)So,You Want to Die Young(英文版)》分卷阅读2

    “e off it,” harry smiled bak

    “i’ll be seeing you, potter, i’m sure,” malfoy said, standing up from the table he rest a hand on harry’s shoulder for just a moment harry reahed up and overed malfoy’s hand with his own, a gesture that felt oddly intimate, but that he had been unable to stop malfoy’s eyes had widened, but he didn’t pull away

    “yeah i’ll see you,” harry said, remaining at the table harry released his hand

    malfoy had nodded and walked away that was the st time harry had ever seen him

    harry sped his hand over his mouth, trying to pe the pain in his hest malfoy had never been his friend they would likely have never had been friends so why did the fat that there was no hane of reonilian making him feel sik?

    three years before

    “how have you been getting on?” mgonagall asked, having brought drao to her offie for their daily meeting

    “fine, i suppose,” drao said it was muh easier to speak, now that he didn’t have that damned mandrake leaf in his mouth, not that he spoke muh anyway it had been his third try, as the st two times, the full moon had ome on a loudy night

    “where are you now, in the proess?”

    “waiting for an eletrial storm,” drao said, his eye gning towards the window as he spoke, hoping perhaps he ould speak one into existene

    “and your wand, it’s w well?” mgonagall asked, her gaze falling to the wand on her desk

    he nodded she had had it reregistered under a false name as that of a tourist, so drao ould arry on perf magi without drawing suspn he wouldn’t have pinned minerva mgonagall to be a woman with ns like she had, but he supposed ns ame with being headmaster of hogwarts

    “good now, let’s just hope whatever form you take isn’t too outndish i know it’s not under your ontrol, but i really hope you’re something i an expin away, although with hagrid on grounds, there’s very little i an’t ome up with an exuse for that, and you won’t be hogwarts’ first uered animagus,” she added, though she seemed a little nervous

    he suppressed the urge to say he would be hy as anything other than himself

    drao smiled at her, shifting in his hair, noting he was getting remarkably good at holding his tongue death really hanged a person, he supposed

    chapter 2

    present day

    the house elves mbered around the kithen in a sort of anized haos that drao had grown austomed to he was sat at a dining table with the head elf, tibsy, disussing the day ahead of them

    “tibsy, remember we need a birthday ake at the hufflepuff table tonight”

    “i remember, mister malfoy,” the elf reassured him

    “choote? or was it arrot ake?” drao asked, skimming his notes

    “choote, mister malfoy”

    “right thank you, tibsy”

    drao smiled and looked bak down to the list of foods he had anized for today’s meals he found himself asking quesns just to have an exuse to speak he had been less than enthusiasti when mgonagall had suggested he be in harge of anizing menus for the great hall he had never really thought about it beforehand, but someone had to deide what they would be eating every day and it was something to do he had done nothing but sit around in his quarters, sine he had finally finished the long, teus proess of beoming an animagus

    he had agreed, simply beause it meant he would be able to talk to someone, anyone, in his day to day life he would see the headmaster for drinks oanally, but he ould tell the meetings were always more of a welfare hek than anything else she was a nie enough woman, but she wasn’t his friend

    spending all his time around house elves made him feel as though maybe he was going a bit funny, as well, but there was no one to hek for him he was terribly onerned that he would develop one of their strange speeh patterns and be none the wiser beause they were the only living things he spoke to

    he sighed, heking off the items he had gone over with tibsy he was done for the day the job didn’t take long he would ome to the kithen around five eah m, eat and make sure that the house elves had gone over the list he had left for them the day before they always sent a bit of what they had made to his room around meal times as well, whih he reiated it wasn’t as though he ould be walking bak and forth aross the astle all willy nilly throughout the day

    “i’ll be going then,” he said, pushing his hair bak from the table

    “will you be wanting to take a tea or a offee, mister malfoy?” tibsy asked, standing up in a hurry

    “not today, thank you here’s tomorrow’s list, as well,” he added, pulling a piee of parhment from his bag

    the elf nodded and took the paper, tuking it into her pillowase

    he walked over to the wall that lead to the hallway, gning at the lok it was only seven in the m, and the number of people wandering around the halls would be few, the number wandering near the dungeons even fewer drao ast a disillu harm on himself and stepped out into the hallway he hurried down the familiar path to his rooms, passing only five or six students in the proess they reated to him about as muh as they would have reated to a breeze

    eventually, he reahed the old slytherin dungeons the dorms had been moved above ground in an attempt to keep the slytherins less seluded from the rest of the student body, although living in the dungeons had never seemed to ondemn the hufflepuffs in anyway still, he uood the se, after the war now the old slytherin dungeons were in a state of arent disuse drao and mgonagall were the only ones to know the password

    drao stopped in front of the stone wall and murmured, “sepultura”

    the briks began to shift, opening a hole in the wall, whih
