《(HP同人)So,You Want to Die Young(英文版)》分卷阅读1

    so, you want to die young



    "every night, you“re terrified of what you won“t beome, so you want to die young"

    in the wake of the war, everything is ruined harry had thought the asualties would end with the fighting drao had thought being “dead” was the solun all his problems her of them had antiipated peae to feel so… empty

    “what if you slept? and what if, in your sleep, you dreamed? and what if in your dream you went to heaven and there pluked a strange and beautiful flower? and what if, when you awoke, you had the flower in your hand? ah! what then?” —samuel taylor ce

    chapter 1

    four years before

    “i know it’s asking a lot but—”

    “i’m going to azkaban either way and this is the only way i’ll ever be able to help him i uand that i’ll do it”

    the ftness in his father’s voie made drao’s stomah lenh

    “drao this is a lot to ask of you, too it won’t be easy it will be lonely are you sure you want to do this?” professor mgonagall asked

    drao was quiet for a moment he had been sure from the moment mgonagall had eared on his doorstep a few hours ago with the suggesn he took a deep breath

    “yes i an’t stand the way they look at me loneliness would be easier than faing that,” drao said quietly

    “then we are deided”

    harry dropped the prophet as though it had burned him

    “no,” he whispered, his eyes loked on the paper where it y in the table, skimming over the headline one more

    former death-eater, drao malfoy, murdered by father luius malfoy to fae extended sentene

    “no no, no, no, no, no,” harry repeated

    they had survived the war was over they had survived, there weren’t supposed to be any more asualties

    the war had ended two weeks ago he had moved from the burrow bak to grimmauld pe a week ago he was gd now, that he was alone, sitting at the long dining table, his knukles white as he gripped the edges so hard that the a wood threatened to splinter his stomah turned, bile rawling up his throat

    he skimmed the artile

    avada kedavra cast by luius malfoy’s wand 10:47 st night burned the body at sene of the rime narissa malfoy eye witness would have been 18 on june 8th

    there were side by side pitures of malfoy and his father harry suddenly felt a murderous rage when he id his eyes on luius, one he thought he would never feel again, the same feeling he had when he looked at voldemort he tore through the piture with his nails

    “you bastard you fuking monster,” harry spat “why ouldn’t you have left him alone? you took and took and took from him and now…” harry surprised himself with a sob “and now there is nothing left to take”

    there had been a time when news of malfoy’s death wouldn’t have phased him those days had passed malfoy had saved him he had saved malfoy harry had ome to feel something akin to omradery with the other boy they were both tred, fored into situans the preus gn had fed for them tools of war, the both of them

    tears dripped off his nose onto the neer in front of him, where malfoy’s image blinked up, unsmiling

    it had only been eight days sine harry had st seen malfoy

    they had met up at a muggle offee shop so harry ould return his wand somehow, the press had still been able to trak them down there had been a piture of them walking side by side down the street on the front page under the headline: the boy who lived and former death-eater spotted in muggle london unity on the horizon?

    harry stood up quikly, hurrying towards the far end of the table where a week’s worth of prophets were staked messily he shuffled through them until he found the one he was looking for

    he and malfoy walking down the pavement, both looking tense harry was slightly in front of malfoy, leading the way as the other boy trailed behind him they were both learly unaware of the amera traking them malfoy mostly kept his eyes on the ground as he followed harry, but oanally they would travel up to the bak of harry’s head and he would get this funny, almost pained look on his fae old rivalries die hard, he guessed

    harry looked away from the piture, swallowing the lump in his throat he tried to remember the st thing he said to malfoy they had stayed at the offee shop only long enough to exhange the wand disreetly, harry thanking him for letting him use it, malfoy replying that it wasn’t as though he had a hoie, though the usual aid had gone from his voie

    “bye, potter and thanks,” malfoy had said, his eyes finding harry’s for the first time sine they had met that evening

    “for what?” harry had asked, his stomah twisting in unfamiliar knots

    “for not ondemning me the moment you had the hane the ministry would have listened to you, if you had wanted to i’m not so sure the rest of the world will be so fiving” malfoy rified

    “i wouldn’t let them ondemn you i won’t let them you had about as muh hoie in this as i did, malfoy,” harry said

    “saint potter, always to the resue,” malfoy replied, but a smile ghosted his lips, not the sneer that harry was so used to aompanying that phrase, saint potter harry remembered thinking it was the first time he had seen the other boy smile in a while maybe even in years he wished he had known it would be the st

