《(HP同人)It Actually Hurts(英文版)》分卷阅读59

    “for everybody” he pulled bak a little and started drawing irles beh drao’s olrbone “you know, we’re always talking about what i want, but…what do you want?”

    drao gave him a lopsided smile and let his hand travel up to his nek where he buried it in his untamable hair he wasn’t sure if he should be worried about the fat that these kind of revens didn’t seem as sary anymore and felt muh more omfortable on his lips

    “you know what i want,” he said softly “it’s right here in front of me”

    potter was perfetly still for a seond before he made a gagging sound in mok disgust and they both burst out ughing drao poked his side pyfully and pulled him bak down again

    “hy birthday, potter,” he murmured against his lips he felt potter hukle and ouldn’t help doing so himself this was it he had never been hier in his life it was suh a strange feeling; so unfamiliar, so beautiful and so powerful, it atually hurt

