《(HP同人)It Actually Hurts(英文版)》分卷阅读54

    drao did, his movements beoming more o with every flip of his stomah and every thrust of potter’s hips

    “oh fuk! oh yes, yes!”

    drao almost ried out when potter’s hand urled around his ok; it only prompted drao to move even more frantially

    “fuk, you’re so tight! i think i’m—i’m—”

    “wait, not yet,” drao moaned mere seonds ter, his eyes rolled to the bak of his head while his insides turned into molten va “nngh!” his entire body trembled lently as he spilled all over potter’s hand

    “oh fuk, drao! drao! drao!” potter thrust into him one more time, pushing his hips upwards, before he writhed beh him, his ok throbbing inside drao “holy **,” potter groaned, tossing an arm over his eyes his hest was heaving drao slowly lifted his hips to release potter before he olpsed on top of him and buried his fae in the rook of potter’s nek they stayed like this in silene for several minutes until potter squirmed

    “what?” drao asked, debating if it would be too muh to kiss potter’s nek what the hell, he thought, and did it

    “aren’t you going to move?” potter sniggered

    “hmmm…no i don’t want to move right now”

    “alright” he sniggered again, ing his arms around him drao felt another rush of warmth ourse through him but, unlike before, it wasn’t as urgent it was more like a pleasant buzz, vibrating through him

    “i—” potter quietly leared his throat when he didn’t ontinue, drao slowly lifted his head to look at him “i an’t believe i just took your virginity”

    drao paused was that…regret he was hearing in potter’s voie? ah, maybe not he was smiling but still, there was something about the way he’d said it wary and quiet

    “don’t worry about it,” drao said, a little more snish than he had intended “it’s not like we have to get married now, if that’s what you’re onerned about”

    “won’t your parents—i mean, err…”

    drao let out a sigh “i’m not obliged to keep them updated about my virginal status, potter besides, i really don’t are about what my father has to say anymore”

    “oh” potter sounded surprised “and your mother?”

    “she’ll ome around eventually” drao ped his head on potter’s hest again, brushing his fingers against his shoulder “i haven’t told her about the e yet”

    “oh you—you’re giving up a lot…to be here with me aren’t you?”

    drao pressed his lips together, feeling grateful potter ouldn’t see his fae “yes and no,” he murmured “a lot of the things my parents have taught me were…well, you know i guess there’s always been this pressure, sine i’m the only malfoy heir, but…i just don’t see the point anymore i guess mother will be disointed, but…” he felt himself blush but suppressed the urge to hide his fae behind his hands “there are more important things”

    potter’s hand in his hair froze, as did the rest of his body drao mentally spped himself and wished he ould take bak those stupid words he almost jumped when warm fingers found their way to his heek, under his hin, gently turning his fae upwards

    “you really mean that?” potter asked the longer drao stared at him, the more he found himself unable to speak so he just nodded the smile that was pstered on potter’s fae moments after made drao’s heart jump repeatedly, as though it was doing a hy e it only intensified when potter took his fae in both hands and pulled him into a soft and slow kiss drao ouldn’t help but let out a sigh

    even if his own siness made him ringe a little bit, it was true everything he had ever wanted was right here, holding him in his arms

    friday, 25 july 2003

    drao looked at the lok when he heard the firepe roar to life, a smug grin on his fae potter was puntual it made him feel giddy he ouldn’t help it

    “great, you an stay right there,” he said as he entered the parlour

    “what?” potter looked onfused

    “there’s somewhere we need to go”

    “where?” potter asked

    “it’s a surprise,” drao said, pushing potter bak into the firepe

    “but how will i be able to go there if i don’t know—”

    “i’ll do it for you,” drao interrupted him he waited until potter had found his bane he looked wary

    “we’re not going to see your mother, are we?” he asked

    drao’s lips strethed into a smirk “you an stand up to the dark lord but you’re afraid of my mother?”

    potter gave him a dark look that was more teasing than seus

    drao hukled “ready?” he asked slowly, potter nodded drao took a pinh of floo powder, trying to alm potter with a smile it almost seemed to be w until…

    “hogwarts, headmistress mgonagall’s offie!” surprise and rehenn fshed aross potter’s fae before he vanished drao lost no time, stepping into the firepe himself immediately, to follow potter

    “ah, there you are,” mgonagall said, a warm smile on her fae

    “headmistress,” drao nodded in greeting he took in potter’s tense shoulders, the way he was wringing his hands

    “please, sit down” mgonagall gestured to the hairs in front of her desk

