《(HP同人)It Actually Hurts(英文版)》分卷阅读53

    “what do you mean?”

    without responding, drao rawled up to him and straddled his hips

    “what?” potter spluttered “you want to—” he broke off when drao purposefully rubbed his arse against his hard ok “merlin, drao! you an’t ride me when this is your first time bottoming”

    “why not?” drao asked, urling his fingers around potter’s wrist


    drao smirked as he guided potter’s hand to his bakside and leaned down to breathe against his lips “finger me, and then we’ll see what i an or an’t do”

    potter made a sound that almost sounded like a sob

    “e on, finger me,” he whispered into his ear he heard potter mumble the spell he had used to onjure up the lube in drao’s hand, and immediately shivered in antiipan “oh!”

    potter’s fingers were tentative as they rubbed him he heard potter mumble something else before he suddenly felt a rush of magi shoot through him ah, right, leansing and proten he gasped and losed his eyes when potter lied more pressure, sending a powerful tingle up his spine as he irled drao’s rim

    “how does it feel?” potter whispered, his voie raspy

    “it feels…good,” drao breathed, furrowing his brows “oh!” he plunged forward, but aught himself on his elbows, when potter finally pushed a finger inside him

    “how does it feel now?” potter asked

    “it feels…” drao shivered “it feels strange”

    “good strange?”

    “i don’t know”

    potter seemed to be waiting for drao to adjust, to whih he only snorted

    “what?” potter said, sounding a little nervous

    “just…move your finger or something,” drao said

    “okay, but…tell me if it hurts”

    it didn’t, but he was almost sure it would at some point he willed himself to rex, but he ould only orate on the unfamiliar sensan of potter’s slik finger he startled when warm lips were suddenly pressed against his olrbone nie divern, potter, he thought with a grin the way potter was gasping and moaning against his skin sent heat through him, and before he knew it, he found himself moving in the rhythm of potter’s finger

    “oh, it feels good,” he breathed

    “bsp;i try adding another? i think you’re ready”

    drao nodded, inhaling sharply when potter softly bit down on his shoulder “ah!”

    “tell me when it gets too muh,” potter murmured

    drao srunhed up his eyes, trying to blok out the unpleasantness he almost told potter to stop when he started moving his fingers, but gasped instead when his whole body jerked and started to tingle

    “oh! oh!”

    “fuk, drao, you’re doing so good”

    drao pratially lunged at potter, dev him as though he was the air drao needed to breathe

    “i think i’m ready,” he panted, moving his hips suggestively

    “are you sure?” potter moaned “you may think—ah!”

    “i don’t are,” drao growled he waited until potter slowly removed his fingers and moved to adjust himself

    “merlin, drao, wait,” potter ughed he gently pushed him out of the way to oat his ok with more lube “okay, whenever you’re ready,” he grinned drao leaned down to kiss him again, until they were both short of breath after making sure potter wasn’t grinning anymore, he straightened himself and lifted his hips he ed his hand around potter’s ok, realising he had to bend in an awkward way to adjust himself he did it as graefully as he ould, holding potter’s ok in pe as he slowly tried to lower himself on it

    “oh merlin,” potter groaned, letting his head fall bak

    drao wined as he felt the tip of potter’s ok streth him and he felt a sharp burn zing through him it was unomfortable, but the tingling on his skin and the longing, oiling in his belly, were stronger he lowered his hips as slowly as possible, finally letting go of potter’s ok when he had fully engulfed him the burning sensan was bak, about ten times more intense as it had been before

    “are you okay?” potter asked, hesitantly stroking drao’s thigh

    “just…give me a moment,” he roaked he tried to orate on the strange but satisfying feeling of potter filling him up he waited until he felt safe enough to move, wiggling his hips experimentally

    “oh,” he and potter both eximed that…wasn’t too bad not bad at all, atually he did it again, only this time, potter moved his hips as well

    “oh wow!”

    the longer he had potter inside him, the more omfortable he felt he still wasn’t sure what exatly he was supposed to do, but he tried lifting his hips and let himself plop down again

    “**,” potter spluttered, grabbing drao’s hips “oh merlin, do that again”

