《(HP同人)It Actually Hurts(英文版)》分卷阅读36

    drao pressed his fae into her thighs he just wanted the pain to stop he didn’t want to feel like this anymore

    “oh, fuk! oh, drao!” she radled his head with one hand, while the other started stroking his hair “how did she reat?”

    pansy knew of their arra she knew how muh pressure they had been under

    “she was far too uanding,” he whimpered unlike mother, he added in his head he knew she wanted him to be hy and maybe she’d ome around eventually, but there was no doubt she would be hurt he ould already piture the disoi in her eyes drao hated that but there had been no other way he ouldn’t go through with it

    “you did the right thing, drao our parents shouldn’t ditate every move we make not anymore not when it omes to this”

    deep down, drao agreed of ourse he did, otherwise he wouldn’t have broken up with astoria and it wasn’t like he had broken her heart he knew she wasn’t in love with him but still, he had ruined their pns

    he had ruined everything

    thursday, april 10 2003

    drao startled when green fmes suddenly erupted in the firepe of his parlour and a very angry-looking harry potter stomped out of it

    “you bastard,” he yelled

    “what the fuk, potter! what are you doing here?”

    potter ignored his quesn and, without warning, lunged at drao, grabbing him by his olr

    “you should have told me,” he growled “you should have told me you broke off the e”

    drao stared at him, bewildered “who told you that?”

    “it doesn’t matter who told me you should have been the one to tell me”

    “i didn’t break up with astoria beause of you,” drao said, very aware that he sounded like a stubborn hild

    “oh?” potter said he sounded far too oky “why then?”

    “that’s none of your business,” drao grumbled and tried to wriggle himself out of potter’s grip

    “i think you’re lying,” potter said, his eyes narrowing “there’s no way you’d go against your parents’ wishes unless there’s a very good reason for it and don’t tell me this wasn’t their idea!”

    “oh, and you think you’re that reason?” drao sneered

    “tell me i’m not,” potter hallenged, raising his hin drao’s eyes darted down to his mouth, so lose to his own his breath aught in his throat when potter’s grip tightened, pulling drao loser to him “tell me i’m not the reason you broke up with her”

    “you—you—you’re not—” drao rumbled under the srutiny of potter’s eyes before it was too te, he pushed him away “fuk you, potter,” he shouted

    potter glowered at him, losing the gap between them in one swift mon

    “you’re a fuking liar,” he growled and wound his hands into drao’s hair it wasn’t as rough as drao had expeted “you’re a liar,” potter repeated and slowly tilted drao’s head to the side

    drao didn’t want to, he really, really didn’t want to, but he let out a gasp when potter’s lips brushed against his nek

    “what—what about your little boy toy?”

    “i broke up with him,” potter grunted, making drao shudder when he liked the length of his olrbone

    “oh” there was nothing else he would have been apable of saying slowly, he losed his eyes as potter started suking on a partiurly sensitive spot, right behind his ear instintively, his hands found their way to potter’s bak, desperately gripping his shirt

    “merlin, yes,” he gasped as potter suked his earlobe into his mouth and his hands wandered down to drao’s bakside he probably should have put a stop to this, told potter to leave before the situan esated ompletely but it just felt so good

    before drao knew what was hening, potter moved behind him, nibbling at the spot where his nek oed with his shoulder drao felt his hands on his waist, slowly moving upwards to his hest a lent jolt shot through him when potter lied more pressure to his hands, pulling drao loser to him, while simultaneously pressing himself against drao’s bak fuk he ould feel potter’s eren against his arse, hard and entiing he let out a low moan, his desire for potter, bottled-up for far too long, finally spilling over he heard potter inhale sharply

    “drao,” he breathed against his nek, and suddenly, his hands were everywhere drao squirmed and gasped as his entire body started to tingle, kiking his senses into overdrive potter’s touh was s, his sent was overwhelming and the way he kept grinding his hips against drao’s arse was just dht obsene

    “oh fuk,” potter spluttered as drao almost ried out potter had moved his hand down to drao’s roth, palming his ok through his trousers “you’re already hard”

    “well, so are you,” drao said breathlessly, instead of defensively potter growled into his nek, his fingers urling around drao’s ok as muh as his trousers allowed

    “we need to get these off now”

    drao felt potter push him forward, his hands already w on unbuttoning the trousers drao kept his eyes losed, too absorbed in the sensan of potter’s fiips brushing against his ok

    “fuk! you’re not wearing any underwear,” potter groaned his husky voie sent unimaginable desire through drao he almost lost his bane when he bumped against something, but potter held him in pe his eyes sned open and he blinked, disoriented potter had led him to one of the armhairs; his body was still pressed firmly against drao’s from behind slowly, he pushed down drao’s trousers, until they pooled around his ankles potter’s hands slid up his thighs, pausing when they reahed his bakside drao felt him lean in, his hot breath ghosting over his ear

    “bend over,” he whispered a lent shudder ran down drao’s spine, making him sure he would pass out any seond without hesitan, he leaned forward, grabbing the arms of the hair he groaned as he felt po
