《(HP同人)It Actually Hurts(英文版)》分卷阅读23

    take are,


    drao’s pulse instantly kiked into overdrive **! did she find out more about his work? did she? he needed to know right away hastily, he sribbled down his reply on her letter and sent the owl on its way

    an hour ter, drao was sitting in his favourite afé, ting his foot impatiently luna wouldn’t tell anyone, would she? had she already? ugh, this was maddening!

    “hey, drao!”

    drao jumped up, sping luna’s shoulders

    “you didn’t tell anyone, did you?”

    luna looked ompletely unfazed by his outburst “tell them what?” she said

    “you know what i’m talking about,” he hissed

    “i do,” she shrugged, her lips strething into a smile “but it’s nie seeing you being pasnate you’re usually so stiff”

    drao gaped at her “holy, you’re the weirdest person i’ve ever met,” he muttered

    “oh, thank you”

    drao kept gaping at her as she took her seat and ordered a lemonade

    “do you want to keep standing? i think it would be muh better to have this n sitting down, you know”

    drao felt his left eye twith before his brain finally provided him with the basis of how walking and sitting down worked he wathed luna warily as she thanked the waitress and took a sip of her lemonade never taking his eyes off her, drao disreetly ast a muffliato and reahed for his offee

    “what exatly did staey tell you that made you want to meet with me?”

    “she told me a bunh of things, atually,” luna said mysteusly

    “i should have made her take an unbreakable vow,” drao grumbled under his breath

    “please don’t take it out on her i made her tell me and she trusts me and i trust her not tell anyone else but holy, i don’t get it, drao why are you keeping this a seret?”

    “so the whole wizarding world an have a go at me? i don’t think so”

    “but this is a good thing you’re doing good”

    “people will find a way to twist it so i’m the bad guy again”

    “but maybe they won’t maybe they’ll see how muh you’ve hanged” to drao’s surprise, luna reahed aross the table and put her hand over his “beause you have i an see it”

    drao pressed his lips into a tight line and slowly pulled bak his hand

    “i’ve thought about it,” he said quietly, staring at his up “i thought about making my involvement publi, but…people will just think i’m doing this to restore my reputan i would have to justify myself over and over again but you know what? i’m done hasing after people who don’t want me”

    out of the orner of his eyes, he saw luna nodding, her expresn unharateristially seus

    “you’ve been through a lot,” she said

    “we’ve all been through a lot and i’m responsible for so many—”

    “it’s in the past, drao,” she interrupted him “like i said, you’ve hanged” she took another sip of her lemonade, her eyes suddenly twinkling “that’s what i wanted to talk about” drao raised an eyebrow “i want to help”


    “i’d like to volunteer”

    “but…aren’t you busy with the quibbler?”

    luna shrugged “yeah, but i’ve got enough free time and i’d rather do something useful with it unless you think i’m not qualified?”

    “um…that depends” drao leared his throat “what did you have in mind?”

    “oh, i’ve got lots of ideas,” luna eximed, leaning forward “i’d really like to teah the kids about all different kinds of magial reatures and muggle animals i’ve been doing a lot of reading and it’s fasinating oh, and i also thought it might be really ool to do some muggle baking with them herne showed me and it’s so muh more fun than our way oh, oh, and i was thinking about swimming lessons and some muggle sports!”

    after his initial shok, drao ouldn’t help but smile at her enthusiasm “it’s an infant shool, not the triwizard tour,” he sniggered “but your ideas don’t sound too bad i think they might like it”

    “am i hired, then?”

    drao disreetly bit the inside of his heek, whih luna seemed to notie

    “i won’t tell anyone about you i promise,” she said

    drao let out a sigh, hoping he wouldn’t regret this dein “alright meet me there on tuesday at nine i’ll show you around and introdue you to the others”

