《(HP同人)It Actually Hurts(英文版)》分卷阅读22

    “there’s nothing wrong with waiting, potter,” he finally sned, his heeks burning

    “of ourse not,” potter said, sounding startled “but you aren’t—i mean…are you waiting until marriage?”

    that quesn raised so many red fgs, drao didn’t even know how to reat

    “you know what, it’s te, you should probably go home,” drao said, standing up the room immediately started spinning still, he ould see potter blinking at him

    “i—i’m sorry, i didn’t mean to—”

    “you didn’t but i’m tired you should go”

    slowly, potter got up he hesitated, fidgeting with his jumper

    “we’re still…okay, right?”

    drao arhed an eyebrow

    “we’re still…friends?”

    friends hearing potter say that felt like s up to the sun…before free-falling and rashing to the ground head first friends did drao want to be potter’s friend? of ourse not he wanted…well, it didn’t matter what he wanted being friends with potter was as far as things ould go the only quesn was, would drao be able to withstand that kind of torture?

    he briefly losed his eyes, letting out a sigh “yes, we’re still friends”

    “okay good”

    drao wathed him as he went over to the firepe with slightly sagging shoulders

    “well, good night,” potter muttered, before he vanished in the green fmes

    chapter 6: what bsp;i say

    sunday, 19 january 2003


    i’m really sorry about st night



    don’t be daft

    we had too muh to drink

    it doesn’t mean anything



    bsp;i ome by today?

    drao looked at the letter, feeling torn of ourse he wanted potter to ome by, but a part of him was still rattled by the events of the night before the need for some spae was growing bigger but from the looks of it, potter had no n of giving him spae it was the most endearing and dreadful thing ever drao ouldn’t orate, ouldn’t think about anything else but potter already he needed some time to think but…not seeing potter was making his heart ahe

    how about tomorrow?

    it took potter no time to send his answer


    no take baks!

    drao snorted sometimes, potter ated like an easily exitable puppy it was kind of ute

    just as he was about to go downstairs to have some breakfast, another owl nded on his desk

    “okay, now you’re overdoing it,” drao muttered, untying the letter from the owl’s foot he unfolded it and frowned this wasn’t potter’s handwriting…

    dear drao,

    i just ran into staey again

    there’s something i’d like to disuss with you

    let me know when you’re free to meet

