《(HP同人)It Actually Hurts(英文版)》分卷阅读16

    “i’m not as restless as you are,” he said “i an very well sit bak and enjoy living the life that was intended for me as the heir of a pure-blood family”

    “somehow, i don’t believe you,” potter said, a small smile starting to form on his lips “maybe one day i’ll get it out of you”

    drao threw his head bak, sn, suddenly feeling aught

    “hey,” potter added, nonhant, “how about we go out for drinks again?”

    drao blinked “what?”

    “you heard me”

    “drinks again?” huh that…was not what drao had expeted “i holy see no reason for that,” he said slowly

    “um, beause it’s fun?” potter said he almost sounded like bise “and so we an get to know eah other better”

    “potter, we’ve known eah other for years, there’s no—”

    “do we really, though?” potter interrupted

    drao wanted to roll his eyes, tell potter to bugger off, but…he knew what potter meant and if he was being ho, the offer was rather intriguing but ould he really risk it? there was a reason he had mostly avoided potter all those years

    “you want to have another heart to heart?” he said, teasingly potter shrugged, as if he wanted to say ‘why not?’ “i’m not a big fan of rowds,” drao said, ting a finger against his up “and your gryffindor friends aren’t exatly—”

    “oh, no i was atually thinking it’d be just you and me”

    drao stopped moving, his mouth going dry

    just you and me

    was—was this—was potter asking—no, that wasn’t possible the more pusible expnan was that he simply needed a drinking buddy

    “you free tonight?” potter asked

    drao willed his heartbeat to slow down as he found potter’s gaze and held it “i guess i ould spare an hour,” he drawled he tried hard not to reat to potter’s grin, but failed he ould feel the orners of his mouth lifting upwards without his permisn

    “huh i don’t think i’ve ever seen you smile at me before,” potter said quietly before the smile died on drao’s lips, potter leaned forward “i like it”

    it was as though an erumpent had suddenly been let loose in drao’s head, stomping on every brain ell that had survived potter’s ridiulous reven

    “alright, i think i’d better get going now,” potter said, already rising from his seat “bsp;i use your floo?”

    drao nodded, numbly he led the way to the parlour and wordlessly gestured to the firepe

    “right” potter paused “i’ll pik you up at seven, okay?”

    drao nodded again it was ridiulous, really, that potter had the ability to render him speehless like that he wathed potter as he took a pinh of floo powder and stepped into the firepe

    “see you then,” he said and right before he vanished, he smiled

    how potter had managed to turn ‘drinks, just you and me’ into ‘dinner, just you and me’, without drao notiing, was a real mystery he had said something along the lines of, “would you mind if we get something to eat first? i’m really hungry”

    clearly, potter had pnned this all along, sine he seemed to have made reservans at the muggle restaurant he had hauled drao to the only quesn was: why? he didn’t seem partiurly hungry now, pushing his steak from left to right on his pte, instead of eating it

    “is it not good?” drao asked he wathed arefully as potter bit his lip he almost looked like a hild, who had been asked to eat all their vegetables his mouth was in a tight line while he slowly ut into the steak the bite he took was so tiny, drao wondered why he bothered hewing drinking in his strained expresn, drao deided not to omment on it and turned his attenn to his own meal instead still, potter’s behaur was…odd he had barely said a word sine they had entered the restaurant

    they ontinued eating in silene and when the waiter ame to lear the table, drao notied that potter had barely eaten half of his meal

    “so, where are we going for drinks?” drao asked as they stepped out of the restaurant

    “atually…” potter hesitated, shoving his hands into his oat pokets “i’m—i’m not feeling so good”


    “would you mind if we go another time?”

    drao kept his features impassive, even though disoi bubbled up inside him “of ourse”

    “thanks,” potter muttered and turned on his heels “i’ll owl you!”

    drao looked after him, fbbergasted what the fuk had just hened? it had been potter’s idea to go out! so why did drao feel like he had just been dumped? had potter hanged his mind about being friends? had drao done something? and sine when was he quesning himself like a thirteen-year-old? ugh, potter ould go fuk himself this was just another reason why drao should have stayed away from him

    friday, 10 january 2003

    drao, i’m sorry about the other night

