《(HP同人)Black Truth(英文版)》分卷阅读59

    a sharp pain hit harry like a needle through his stomah realizing it for what it was, he pushed drao down to the floor just as a blue beam of light raed over their heads

    luius whirled around at the sound of urse hitting wall and snarled as a robed figure stepped out of the shadows

    “i told you not to let me see you,” the death eater hissed at drao

    “bise—” drao started

    “i found them!” bise yelled at the top of his lungs the boy ould say no more as he was flung bak against the wall, the sound of broken bones on stone filling the hallway as the full fury that was luius malfoy was unleashed in a fit of veriae magi

    bise gasped as he slunk to the ground “run…now…” he whispered pitifully at drao as harry helped the young malfoy to his feet

    “e on!” harry whispered, as drao stared at his friend with a look of horror he ould hear the muffled footsteps of the death eaters getting loser, most likely traking bise’s posin with a spell

    the three now took off at a run the long hallway was now filled with shouts and urses as the death eaters poured into the rooms of what had been luius’s personal wing the sound of breaking gss, splintering wood, and a few shrieks of what had to be house elves filled their ears, and yet ould not drown out the sound of their own hurried footsteps, muffled by the rug

    the study door was still open as they neared it a sigh of relief squelhed in harry’s throat as a lone figure walked though it to bar their path of esape

    the three running stopped short, a room’s length away from the robed figure almostbehind the steel wings of his father’s, drao’s hand sought harry’s as his own wings re-emerged, steel tipped on one side, soft as silk on the side near harry

    “luiussss malfoy, drao malfoy, harry potter,” the figure hissed, and harry ould almost piture a forked tongue as he spoke

    “get ready to run, drao” luius spoke almly, his eyes never leaving the red ones of lord voldemort

    “run?” the figure’s mouth urled into a ruel smile “where would you run? not bak up the orridor, surely it’s full of my loyal death eaters by now and you annot run from the killing curse”

    “no, but you an blok it” luius replied just as almly

    “daddy” drao whispered, his eyes looking up at his father in new fear

    there was something drao must know that i don’t, harry thought

    “ah yes, you always did say that, luiusss the easiest urse to blok, you said all you have to do is get someone iween you and the urse and it’s bloked” the smile twisted into a sneer “there will be no one in between us when i ast it, i assure you”

    a wand lifted in their diren and luius shouted “now drao!”

    drao didn’t wait to ask, but ran past his father towards voldemort and the doorway, pulling harry along behind him

    there was a small pop, and a snarl as voldemort was pushed bakwards by one lone house elf that was standing between him and her master there was a growl and a bolt of green light, and harry barely registered his own shout as the little reature, diddy, fell dead

    drao barreled into the room, hand lenhed tightly around harry’s, and headed for the open pot of floo powder dobby had ped on the mantle luius entered the room at a run as his son grabbed a handful of the powder, more spilling over the floor in his haste

    “quikly, go!” luius shouted, as an irate voldemort entered the room

    harry pulled drao into the firepe as the floo powder fell upon the fmes, turning them green

    “father ome—” drao tried to pull his father into the rge firepe

    he was pushed bak into harry with a snarled, “go!”

    harry realized what luius malfoy was doing as voldemort raised his wand and pointed it towards him “hogwarts!” he yelled as voldemort spoke:

    “avada kedavra”

    the st thing harry saw through the fmes was a asade of bk feathers as drao’s sreams filled his ears

    they fell out of the firepe into an undignified sprawl of arms and legs harry grabbed on to drao as the other boy srambled to get bak to the fire

    “father!” he sreehed

    “drao, stop!” harry yelled, fighting to keep the blond away from the fmes “there’s nothing we an do”

    the blond olpsed in a sobbing heap on the floor of dumbledore’s offie as the door was opened and albus dumbledore walked in, followed losely by ron and herne

    chapter 31: a promise

    for five minutes dumbledore’s offie was pure haos

    “harry!” both ron and herne ried and ran over to where he was still sprawled on the floor

    “are you all right?” herne kept asking, as if the first time he answered her quesn was not truthful enough

    “and what hened to malfoy?” ron asked after a few minutes

    drao ontinued to sob into harry’s shirt and harry did the only thing he ould think to do: let him, even though he was fast losing feeling in his lower legs beause of how drao’s body had nded on them

