《(HP同人)Black Truth(英文版)》分卷阅读48

    “wath out!” he heard drao yell and he pulled on the handle of the firebolt in an attempt to swerve out of the way it wasn’t enough

    the air seemed to shift around him, and he was pushed under the branh he ould hear drao hiss as one of his wings sraped the underside of the branh and both boys fell towards the ground and nded in an undignified heap they rolled, harry losing ontrol of his firebolt, whih skittered away a few feet before oming to a standstill harry braed his arms against the soft grassy ground to fight their momentum and the two stopped with harry’s arms on either side of drao’s head, their legs entangled in the soft grass, drao’s wings spread out on the grass around them, and his mouth a few inhes above drao’s own

    harry froze, his eyes loking on the silver-gray pools that were looking up at him with no trae of a sneer just looking

    the learing, the forest itself, was silent, waiting for what would hen  slowly, as if fast movement would break the stillness, one hand rose to aress the nape of harry’s nek, pulling him down slightly as drao’s body rose underh him their lips met in the silene of the learing harry rexed and, leaning into the kiss, turned haste more pasnate

    drao’s wings, silken urtains of night, ame up toaround harry’s body in a way so simir to his dreams drao’s mouth began to explore his nek, trailing wet kisses down to his olr bone before returning to harry’s mouth again

    harry’s fingers trailed down the sharp aristorati jaw line and down to the nape of drao’s nek to tangle in the soft ptinum strands his mouth followed his fingers to drao’s ear, pausing to whisper, “is this you or the veriae?”

    silver eyes aught his own “both”

    “good” and any other words harry might have said were lost to drao’s mouth on his own

    chapter 26: eye ofand slips of yew

    harry ouldn’t ontain a smirk rivaling drao’s patented one when the daily prophet betedly began to report the attaks by now it was obus that they were death eater attaks one of the more reent ones had been the destrun of a small muggle town and the dark mark had been promi in the sky no one ould pretend now, that they were just freak aidents or tehnial malfunns, at least not in the wizarding world still, as the number of attaks grew, the students began to get visibly tense and edgy parents began writing more often, just to hek that their son or daughter was safe and to say that they themselves were safe whispers in the halls about the attaks beame louder as students wondered whose family would be the first to be attaked

    drao woke to a strange numb sensan in his left leg and realized that he ouldn’t feel anything lower than his thigh blinking blearily in the dim light, he attempted to sit up only to find that he ouldn’t move muh in that way either the ause of this was the other person in the bed, who was still sleeping soundly, his arms ed around drao’s torso and his legs ed around drao’s left leg

    “potter,” drao gently pushed harry no rean “harry” he tried again

    harry muttered something that he ouldn’t uand into his stomah

    “harry, i need you to unwind yourself from my left leg i an’t feel it any more”

    with the effort of one who was more asleep than awake, harry rolled slightly to the left…the opposite diren of what drao had been aiming for

    “harry, having your lower body situated between my legs does not help me get out of bed faster”

    drao heard a more intelligent mumble this time, “’t believe you said that with a straight fae,” but ignored it again harry rolled to the left and off of drao’s legs entirely however, he was still using drao’s upper body as a pillow

    “harry—” drao began to point this out but was ut off

    “do you have to move?” harry mumbled and then added something unintelligible along the lines of “m’sleepy”

    drao pondered this it was still the weekend and he didn’t have to go anywhere…well, exept down to breakfast but he ould get food ter

    “fine, but you owe me one”

    harry’s reply was again a mumble of things drao ouldn’t make out, but in a few minutes he too had drifted bak to sleep

    ron and herne stood outside the portrait of medusa, unsure of whether to knok or wait for either harry or drao to grant them entrane

    “if you want to get in, you’re going to have to wait a while unless you have the password” medusa ommented, iing her fingernails as if expeting to see dirt underh them

    “bsp;you tell them that we’re here?” herne asked when harry hadn’t shown up at breakfast, she had worriedly dragged ron down to the dungeons to find out if their friend was ok

    “no, i an’t”

    “why?” ron asked

    “beause i don’t have aess to the bedroom,” ame the tart reply “and that’s where they’ve been all m”

    “too muh rman!” ron yelped,his ears as if he expeted the piture to unh into sordid details

    in a tone akin to herne’s, the piture spoke “had they been doing what you are suggesting, young man, i would have found an exuse to go visit another portrait”

    ron shrugged, admitting that the portrait had a point

    “so they’ve been sleeping this whole time?” herne asked

    “from what i an tell, yes either that or lounging around doing nothing”

    “drao, do you have to use my bak as a desk?” harry muttered, feeling the quill moving lightly over his bak as he spoke

    “do you ontinue to want to use me as a pillow? then yes you are theft surfae, after all”

    “do you have to be doing homework now?” harry’s words were spoken in a truly pitiful whine

