《(HP同人)Black Truth(英文版)》分卷阅读1

    bk truth

    by: inferbeing

    and, with bated breath, drao traed the silver line down one more step in the family tree drao luius malfoy the third full blooded veriae in the malfoy family and future life mate of harry potter hd slash no hbp spoilers

    rated: fin t

    chapter 1: family heirloom

    drao had never liked jigsaw puzzles very muh, (espeially the wizarding ones where the piture of the puzzle moved even when the piees were apart…it was very disturbing to hold a piee with a hand on it and have it wave at you while the head was on another piee, ompletely unaware of what its hand was doing) but as he looked at his divinan homework for the weekend it was like looking at the final piee to a jigsaw puzzle, the kind where the piture is ompleted when you pe it with the other piees and you an sit bak and admire your work and drao was admiring this work, after all it was about him (and there is often nothing more important than oneself)

    now what was so speial about this divinan homework? not muh really in ss they were w on family lineage and were going to see how that ties into their future, but right now they were just w on the spell that would show them the family tree, or more aurately the group of spells that would show all the rman needed for this part of the ourse the first spell was simple enough, and would ause a basi outline of the family tree to ear on the parhment the rger the parhment, the farther bak the tree would go (drao’s tree urrently went bak to his sixth-great-grandfather) and, looking at this tree, he ould find the answer to something that had been nagging at him sine…well sine he had turned fifteen and woken up that m to find his bed and himself overed in bk feathers

    this had triggered a memory of his about his father: when drao was a five-year-old, he had found a simir bk feather on his father’s bed and his father had beeremely angry at the house elves for not finding that before his son drao had never known why, but this was the first piee of the puzzle

    the seond piee had ome from his godfather as a christmas present it was by now everyone’s (well everyone who didn’t think he would beome a death eater, whih was himself, snape, and his father) expetan that drao would follow in professor snape’s footsteps, beause of his skill in pons, and drao himself was not against that kind of a future his godfather knew this and had sent him a, rather rge, book about the rarest pons that ould be made and what their purpose was it had surprised drao that many of these pons were for dealing with problems aused with having the blood of magial reatures in your veins this seemed to be a problem more for wizarding families that had at one time been or still were pureblooded drao had found it very ironi that in older times, it was onsidered more pure to mate with a magial reature than a mudblood…and it did make some twisted sense he guessed…but some of the ombinans were just sikening

    then the third piee had fallen into pe when drao had read about this one pon for making sure that your hild was not born with dominant veriae blood drao hadn’t known what a veriae was, so he had gone to his mentor and godfather, severus snape, to ask at the time he thought that snape’s skin had paled a few shades lighter when he asked his quesn, and now he realized why but the professor had given him a pass for the restrited sen and the title of a book that was one of the few about veriae it was so old that it was written in latin and obusly by someone with pureblood lineage, but thankfully there was a transn drao remembered his blood turning old as he read the opening text, as the inal doubt eared in his head

    veriae, more widely known in legend as the atra veritas, or bk truth, one widely poputed areas of europe and north ameria these reatures looked and ated exatly like wizards or mudbloods in fat these reatures had the same gei struture as wizards exept for one differene: their wings veriae have been known to sprout beautiful wings of bk feathers when either very hy or very angry, wings whih it has been seen have feathers softer than silk when hy, and sharp as a bde when angry veriae are somewhat like the phoenix in the sense that they too go through the proess of being reborn, whih ours for a veriae one a month instead of burning to ashes and rising from them, the veriae’s wings sprout and then disie into a waterfall of feathers when all the feathers from the old wings have fallen off, new wings will sprout (most often during dawn of theday) beause of this monthly rebirth, veriae (like the phoenix) seem to age up to the point of thirty or so and then stop or age very slowly in outward earane afterward, though their lifespan tends only to be twenty years or so longer than a normal wizard’s lifespan

    veriae tend not to live in a pak, although sometimes groups an be found together, but do develop a system like a pak system among individual families or groups one veriae is the “pak leader” alled the “autor” whom is looked to for guie by the other veriae in the group

    veriae mate for life in a startling proess alled the aspetus in whih the olor of the veriae’s eyes hanges to a mixture of silver and gold in this state the veriae an see the aura of every being and pnt around it, inluding itself the veriae will look for the aura that is idential to his/her aura if their mate aepts them, they mate for life if not, the veriae is likely to kill himself/herself within twenty-four hours there have been ases where a veriae an live without their mate if the mate dies before mating or in hildbirth, but hardly ever in the ase of absolute refusal from the mate

    and the boo
