《(HP同人)Under the Bludgeonings of Chance(英文)》分卷阅读33

    fieldspak’s wonderous epiphany of a greek magi & culture had an entire sen on the thh leaning and purifian proess of dises, the often “troublesome and eentri” aophony of a greian spells purimasseto was listed there, and she must’ve ommitted it to some part of her memory when she’d read the book through the first time days ago herne didn’t quesn it, but ter when they asked why she had ped the urse in a ese take-away box, she asually lied and said the silver box ouldn’t be used to house the urses a seond time

    one by one, the others ame in and herne ast the simple spell to remove the urse, until finally, only malfoy remained he showed up mid m two days ter, a soft smile on his lips

    “ready?” herne asked he raised his brow and nodded, a look of uainty on his fae “it will work,” she assured him “the others are all bak to normal”

    he stared bak at her “well go ahead then”

    “purimasseto!” she ast

    nothing hened

    she repeated the spell


    and again

    “i don’t uand,” she paniked and stared bak and forth between him and the take away box he followed her gaze

    “is that—is that take-away from a express?”

    herne narrowed her eyes “why aren’t you upset? the spell isn’t w! i an’t release you from the urse!”

    drao turned bak and smiled, and herne was sure she hadn’t been so perplexed in a very long time “you probably an’t release me from the urse,” drao said, “beause i’ve already been released of it”

    “what?” herne ried “how? when?”

    drao smirked “i’ve had a lot of time to think about it, but i think it was when i finally aepted my fate, when i’d followed the threads and took my rightful path”

    “i see,” herne said, even though she really didn’t uand

    “or it ould’ve been when harry fuked me into the mattress,” he added

    she shrieked, “get out!”

    fifteen days ter when the ministry had given her the order of merlin, muh to her dismay, she still ouldn’t look drao malfoy in the eye she had to keep reminding herself that drao and harry had been pushed together, not by her eros meddlings, or some bizarre twist of fate, but by the revolun of the self, the ability to hange, and judging by the odd overheard n here and there, a rather frisky house pnt

    the christmas e early party

    “i look ridiulous,” drao said under his breath as pansy roahed him “i an’t believe i left a—” he stopped himself “—a one in a lifetime work experiene for this” the a room had jumped bak into full testing again and a few of the other unspeakables were sted to open a sealed urn from a great and a ese wizard that afternoon

    “what ould go wrong?” herne had asked him

    he’d raised an eyebrow, “something most definitely will”

    but instead of witnessing the great reveal, drao stood in the orner of an enhanted igloo wearing a jumper overed in multi-olored stokings that read well hung aross the hest pansy grinned and drao deided immediately that she was having too muh fun “the invitan said bring a jumper or one will be provided for you,” pansy said

    “did it now?” drao looked around for the mess of raven hair he’d walked in with “potter failed to menn that speifi detail”

    “hmm, well if you had shown up for the ransom drop like any good friend would’ve, you might’ve known about the jumper requirement,” pansy said unapologetially “but you were too busy…” she ut off at the sight of harry roahing

    harry smiled, “hey, pansy”

    she narrowed her eyes “it’s parkinson to you, potter”

    “you let luna all you pansy,” harry pointed out

    “yes well,” pansy lifted her hin “luna is a rare and speial friend” she gred at drao “who single handedly helped me—” bise had ome over from one of the buffet tables and pointed to his pte staked full with hootey ns “oh,” pansy eyed them “exuse me”

    drao sighed as she saddled upto bise and walked off

    harry nudged drao’s arm “she’ll get over it she knows we were at the ministry” drao nodded and took a look at harry he bit his lip somehow harry had managed the only normal looking holiday jumper at the entire party it was red and white and delusly fitted, littered with vaus snowfke patterns and small, blinking white lights

    “your jumper is—” drao simuted a yawn “—making me long for the days of the purple shag oat” he arhed a brow “and the mesh shirt”

    “drao, shut up”

    “your nipples”

    “drao stop”

    “they should never be overed”

    “i’m walking away now” harry pyfully gred and then broke his gaze to stare out at the rest of the party luna, neville, and a few others were off ing to a modern take on “wizard’s bells”, while a few groups stood mingling around the well stoked food tables harry’s hand reahed out and grabbed drao’s arm “is that a mlaggen?”

    he nodded “yes arently, he entered into an aidental marriage ontrat with one of the fae” drao sipped his hot toddy “they’re having quite a time trying to find representan for the an”

