《(HP同人)Under the Bludgeonings of Chance(英文)》分卷阅读28

    two things hened simultaneously after that

    a purple bolt erupted out of bertrie’s hest and struk the kneazle, followed by a red bolt going from the animal to the girl the fore of the energies ripped the reature from lovegood’s hands and sent both her and it flying lovegood rolled aross the grass

    at the same time, there was a loud pop and a man eared in the middle of the field igora squinted in the dim light and was sure she had seen him somewhere before she reognized his bk-ops robes he was from the department of mysteries ops-team

    when the bolts between the kneazle and bertrie diseared, everyone out on the field looked stunned and stared around at eah other

    then granger sreamed something at the man who’d just eared and bertrie threw herself at pansy parkinson’s feet the young girl rolled around feeling for something on the ground until she piked up one of the disarded wands and turned bak toward her aptors

    “you killed my father!” she sreamed and ast, “impedimenta!” at the leader of the group who had made her drink from the vial lovegood looked up from the grass, grabbed a rge silver bell from her poket and rang it repeatedly

    to the side of igora, felix shouted, “expelliarmus!” and one of the two figures that had hung bak from the exhange lost their wand felix added, “stupefy!” and the figure fell to the ground before igora ould get a spell out, the other figure immediately disarated

    she didn’t have time to dwell on it beause as soon as she looked bak to the enter of the field, she dropped her wand in shok hundreds of shining, silvery lights asended from the grass and began swarming anyone who wasn’t wearing a holiday jumper parkinson had thrown herself to the ground and pulled bertrie inside the oversized jumper

    igora wathed in horror as the other figures tried to swat the fae, listened as they sreamed in agony after only a few seonds, the three kidners had fallen to the floor, writhing, while the man who’d arated into the sene te sreamed at herne granger for help

    “you said you knew what you were doing!” she replied granger moned to lovegood after that and the blonde rang the bell again the fae pulled bak and united in a swirl of tiny lights sinking bak into the ground

    igora and felix rushed down to the field and took stok of everyone herne granger was binding the kidners and taking their wands, luna lovegood had gone after the kneazle, and pansy parkinson still had bertrie zivantus in a tight embrae, roking bak and forth and whispering in the young girl’s ear

    “everyone’s alright?” igora roahed felix went to help granger with the kidners igora gazed around in ase the figure who had disarated might ome bak

    the bk-ops man rolled around in the grass and groaned “i am not alright”

    “everything will be fine,” granger nodded, ign the man

    a few feet away, the rge green pnt burst into fmes

    granger ontinued nodding, “this is fine”

    “malfoy,” harry looked around the alley as the sun filtered in over the buildings surrounding it “it’s daylight”

    malfoy took a step bak from him and looked at the timepiee in his hand he blinked, shook it, and then sowled “i don’t believe this!”

    “what is it? where—i mean when are we?” harry’s heart pounded

    “thursday m,” malfoy’s voie raked “quarter to seven” thursday m? that was a few hours before the penthouse massare suddenly harry was winded, sik to his stomah but riveted with the sudden uanding that they were supposed to be there he had been there, he reminded himself it wasn’t someone on polyjuie, it wasn’t someone soul-sed with him, it was him and it always had been he turned around and made for the street “where are you going?” malfoy alled after him

    “the hotel,” harry said over his shoulder

    malfoy rushed after him “harry! wait! we an’t!”

    “yes we an,” he said, “and we already have i’ve seen it”

    “what do you mean?”

    harry ouldn’t help the sudden onsummate smile on his fae “i saw myself that day i was in the elevator, drao, and it stopped on the fourteenth floor two people were arguing in the hallway outside a room, our room, and the person in the hallway was me i was wearing this same outfit!”

    malfoy stared in shok he blinked and then looked away “you saw yourself?”


    “and you didn’t think that was important? you didn’t think you should tell someone?” malfoy’s voie rose, anger f his features into a tense sowl “you, saint potter, kept something hidden that ould have potentially hanged everything”

    “how?” harry was getting angry now, too “how would the knowledge of me being in that hallway, or some form of me, have helped?”

    malfoy let out an unsteady exhale “it doesn’t matter now, does it?”

    harry rolled his eyes, “i’m going, you an ome or stay here for all i are” malfoy pointed his wand at the pnt and muttered something under his breath the pnt shrunk to the size of a hoote frog, and malfoy piked it up and put it in his poket “you ouldn’t have done that earlier?”

    the blond smirked “you seemed to enjoy arrying it around”

    they walked the two bloks bak to the ashtyl in silene harry didn’t know what they would do when they got there it was hours until the i would take pe when they reahed the hotel entrane, malfoy stopped harry from going inside “i told you,” harry started but malfoy raised a hand to silene him

    “we should use gmours,” he suggested

    “it’ll be fine,” harry said “i’m not—i mean, arhie won’t be here for a few hours”

    malfoy nodded and they went inside harry realized in that moment that valentine would be there “i want to hold the world on its knees,” the hotel manager had said harry suddenly beame very angry “valenti
