《(HP同人)Under the Bludgeonings of Chance(英文)》分卷阅读1

    《(hp同人)under the bludgeonings of e(英文)》作者:spookywoods


    after eight months on his first underover misn, harry suddenly finds himself aught up in a bizarre mix of events revolving around a red kneazle, the murder of a rih pureblood, and an unapologeti, arobati drao malfoy

    featuring greek curses, out of season christmas jumpers, and gilderoy lokhart“s sister (or is it?)


    for thisbloodyat, i might have gotten a little away from the request for a psyhologial thriller, but i hope i aptured the mood of “twin peaks twist” by messer chups unfortunately, one this idea ame to me, i really ould not let it go if the beginning reminds of you anything, it is heavily inspired by the first episode of dirk gently the song inspired the idea for a haoti and quirky ase fi with a dash of something that hopefully resembles poignany

    this is my first drarry fi and my third ever ompleted fi i hope you enjoy it

    title is from "invitus" by william er henley

    warnings: minor inal charater death, minor depins of lene (see endnotes), a major harater starts to have a pani attak but reovers (see endnotes), lene against fiuses

    i have a few inredible people to thank without you, i would not have finished:

    rahel: thank you for believing in me! and for the time and dedian that you put in!

    lou: you helped me realize i ould finish it and that there was something worthy to the story

    nova: you got me out of my own head to see the broader piture! without your guiding hand, this would have been (more) haoti!

    estrel: omg, where to begin? you were an amazing sounding board and heerleader harry and drao would have never made it through this or ended up where they did without your ruminans and prudene you made this fi hen and managed to keep me mostly sane by the end of it thank you! <3

    csigilon: thank you for the help with nguages!

    graie137: massive thanks for brainst greek myths with me

    sarah with a hard h: my most trusted advisor, your help with spag was invaluable

    and thank you to everyone who partiipated in the sprints in the final few weeks your kind words helped me so very muh

    i would also like to give a huge thanks to the mods for their work and dedian to this amazing fest and for my numerous extenns

    (see the end of the work for more notes)

    keep me from the snare whih they have id for me,

    and from the gins of the workers of iniquity

    let the wiked fall into their own s,

    whilst that i withal esape

    (psalm 141: 9-10, spoken by annie in twin peaks episode 29, “beyond life and death”)

    it was a soft and subtle darkness, one that obsured and desended upon the familiar harry unurled and rose from the lumpy mattress on the floor and let his eyes skirt the shadows of his dingy ft he’d grown so used to it, he found himself able to walk around and fix his m tea without so muh as a lumos eight months eight b months spent in a monotonous routine, underover in edinburgh

    it wasn’t the edinburgh harry knew from preus misns or holidays instead, he spent his days in the seedy, shadowy alleys of the travertel quarter, establishing his alias and making ns sine the aurors had been given roval to use new, harmed prosthetis for disguises in lieu of polyjuie, there wasn’t a reason for the department to deny harry the fieldwork he had so desperately raved to his omplete horror, he’d been stuk pying ministry masot, being paraded around the senes of dark magi raids and arrests as a familiar image to instill omfort in the masses and fear in the enemy

    it wasn’t until he bothed an interview with the prophet and was alled into the head auror’s offie that he’d finally worked up the e to voalize his misery

    “i’m tired of being in the spotlight, robards” he sat and fell into a dejeted slouh he sent a stern look at his super “i want to be out there making an atual differene i want to be doing real work” he added a auus, “sir”

    gawain robards offered harry a slight smile with a knowing nod, he said, “i figured as muh, potter that—uh—interview you gave at hownd’s creek was a omplete nightmare” robards gned around his desk, eyed a thik folder, and returned his gaze to harry “you’ve never been deep underover, i’d imagine?”

    harry ouldn’t stop himself from smiling taking polyjuie as a hild to infiltrate the slytherin dormitories didn’t quite ount, did it? “no, sir”

    “i hear sotnd is lovely this time of year”

    it’s not, harry frowned as he stared at himself in the mirror or should he say, edinburgh wasn’t lovely for his alias, arhie eversworn

    he looked mostly like himself, the mop of untidy bk hair as haphazard as ever, long enough to tie bak but his fae had been harmed with prosthetis, altered to be quite unreognizable his nose was muh wider, his forehead more pronouned and missing the signature sar they’d done something to his heeks as well, making them fuller, more rounded and lessening the line of his jaw somehow the ministry teh had insisted on harming his eye olor, but harry ft out refused to let them

    “i barely reognize myself as it is! we an leave my eyes as they are,” he protested he’d turned to ron for onfirman his friend had just shrugged

    “i wouldn’t give you a seond gne,” he said

    harry pointed to the frowning b teh “see?” with relutane, the b teh agreed to his demand, but insisted he hange his gsses from the signature rounds to the more stylish wayfarers lastly had been the voal harm whih hanged his somewhat deep voie to something a bit more whiny

    a pounding on his front door ehoed through the stu harry rolled his eyes and went to answer it a familiar voie yelled
