《(HP同人)So,You Want to Die Young(英文版)》分卷阅读19

    “eleven?” harry asked when drao pulled away “you sure had a funny way of showing it”

    “you’re all i ever wanted, harry i was terrified of that want, i was terrified of you”

    “you were muh sarier than i ever was,” harry breathed

    “you were almost like…an entity an idol you were bigger than all of us and somehow, i was the unluky dune that went and fell in love with you,” drao replied

    “unluky?” harry asked raising an eyebrow

    “unluky that it was you that i feel for when i am who i am who i was luius malfoy’s son in love with the boy who lived? he would have torn me apart more than he already did,” drao expined

    “i guess that is pretty unluky,” harry agreed he ould feel his whole body tense at the menn of drao’s father, but deided not to omment any further drao knew how he felt about his father his own ses probably weren’t too far off from harry’s

    “it had a way of w itself out, arently,” drao smiled at him, touhing harry’s hand that still rest on upon his heek

    “don’t get all mushy and start talking about fate and all that kind of stuff,” harry ughed

    “don’t tell me you, of all people, don’t believe in fate you’re a living prophey”

    “it ould have been anyone voldemort deided it was me not fate,” harry said

    drao shook his head

    “whatever, potter you’re the one that brought fate up but maybe now i’ll say it was fate that brought us here, just to annoy you”

    “wouldn’t that be just like you,” harry answered

    “wouldn’t it be?”


    “unle harry!”

    rose ran up the walk of grimmauld pe, tripping over her toes when she got to the steps harry smiled as the toddler mbered up the stairs, piking her up and hugging her when she reahed the door

    “how are you, rosie?” he asked

    “unle harry, where is phantom?” rose asked, peering over his shoulder down the hall

    harry ughed

    “he’s around here somewhere, i’m sure why don’t you go look for him?” he asked, setting the little girl down and sending her into the house

    herne was following lose behind her daughter, shaking her head

    “i still an’t get over that name a little on the nose, isn’t it?”

    “he said he wouldn’t abide a name like snuffles you know he an be rather… opinated,” he said, shooting a look over his shoulder as he heard rose shriek with ughter in the sitting room

    “well, he an all himself whatever he wants as long as he keeps making rosie ugh like that,” ron said, earing at herne’s shoulder

    “and makes harry hy,” herne added, giving her husband a look

    “well, of ourse that, too,” ron said, spping harry on the shoulder as he passed

    “remind me, i have a new muggle book i think dra—phantom will like i’ll give it to him when rosie goes down for a nap,” herne said, following harry into his home

    drao y on the loveseat in the sitting room, smiling to himself as he listened harry and the granger-weasleys talk he had worn rosie out pying tug of war, something he had thought was below him until harry’s niee was born (herne insisted on referring to rose as drao’s niee as well, but he felt odd aepting the honor of being an unle if his niee thought he was a dog heless, he adored her)

    “i take it phantom is a big hit with the students, then?” ron said, steering the n away from what harry was pnning for the fall term’s lessons that was always herne’s favorite topi of n, still unable to get enough of shool, but ron always liked hearing about what the students got into outside of ss

    “he’s the favorite part of the ourse they like him more than me, whih is a first,” harry said, gning at drao with a snarky smile drao huffed out a breath of annoyane he was better about reating to harry like he uood him in mixed ompany, but they had all deided when herne was pregnant that while the baby may not know drao was a person, that didn’t mean they ouldn’t know he was a very…speial kind of very smart dog

    “he seems to be a big hit with little ones, too,” he said, readjusting rose, who was sat on his p, resting her head on his shoulder she was struggling to keep her eyes open “speaking of, i am going to go put her down upstairs, or else we will have a very unpleasant trip home”

    herne and harry wathed as ron left the room, both of their gazes turning to drao when he had diseared from their sight

    “that’s your ue, phantom,” herne teased

    drao hanged his form almost immediately, straightening out his shirt as he stood up

    “hi, “ne,” he smiled at her as she rossed the room to hug him

    she immediately went into a ta about a new book she had brought him, expining all the reasons why she thought it was just his sort of thing, and he listened attentively, nodding as she spoke a mile a minute his gaze ame to rest on harry for just a moment, the smile on his partner’s fae melting his heart in an instant he was learly so hy that they all got along, that he had this little family, strange though it was drao was hy, too so what if he had “died” he had gone to heaven, after all

