《(HP同人)So,You Want to Die Young(英文版)》分卷阅读13

    “bloody hell, potter, spit it ou—”

    “maybe i never hated you,” potter sputtered

    “alright, maybe you didn’t, so what?” drao said, and he ould feel their n falling bak in that old familiar pattern, seeing who ould make the other feel dumber with eah word

    potter shot him a hastising gne and drao tried to ignore the heat he felt rise to his heeks so maybe only he was falling bak into his old ways potter seemed quite determined to be different

    “if your great reven is that it turns out you don’t mind me so muh, i am going to have to ask you to have better revens from now on,” drao ontinued, onusly softening his voie

    “that’s not it,” potter insisted

    “merlin’s beard, potter, get on with it then,” drao said, his eyes gravitating bak towards potter’s hands, fidgeting with the sheets he noted that he would only have to move his own a fran for them to be touhing

    “that artile,” potter began “the one you have saved in your book—”

    “you’ve looked through that?” drao stiffened

    “i—i’m sorry, i shouldn’t have,” potter stuttered “but i wanted to say it was right”

    drao gasped for air like a fish out of water harry had looked through his book he tried to regain his omposure, but he was sure it was in vain “whih artile, potter, i have a few saved”

    “you know whih one, malfoy the one ginny had done after we broke up the artile”

    “you—potter, that’s extremely invasive,” drao swallowed

    “are you really going to harp on that when i’ve just told you that—”

    “i’m proessing, potter,” he spat finding harry’s eyes again “i’ve been exiled for going on four years, you’re the first person i’ve spoken to that isn’t minerva mgonagall in as muh time, and you’re telling me you’re…that you’re…what are you telling me, potter? you’ve not said anything”

    harry inhaled sharply, biting off a response his hands resuming their franti fidget

    “i’m saying that i don’t hate you, malfoy,” he finally replied, his voie barely above a whisper

    “thanks, potter, thank you so fuking muh if you’re quite finished being rypti, it’s best you leave,” drao hissed turning on his side to fae away from the other boy



    “i’m not quite finished”

    “go anyway”

    he heard the rustle of harry’s lothing as he stood his heart jumped to his throat as he heard the bedroom door lik shut this was his only hane, and he was letting it slip through his fingers he rolled over, his head spinning as he stood up too fast, or maybe it was the adrenaline he tore open the door and raed aross the room, grabbing harry’s wrist just as he reahed the door to the hall harry stiffened at his touh but didn’t turn around

    drao pulled gently at his arm until harry turned to fae him harry swallowed visibly

    the silene between them physially pained him, but none of the words flying through his mind felt right harry opened his mouth to say something iti no doubt, something ruinous, something that wouldn’t make the mess of words he had spat out before any learer he had to stop him

    drao fisted his free hand in the olr of harry’s shirt and pulled him loser, willing himself not to think about how terrible an idea it was to even make eye ontat with this man for another seond


    the sound of his own name shook him from what must have been a momentary instane of insanity he let go of harry’s wrist, letting the hand luthing at harry’s shirt fall to hang limply he turned away from harry shaking his head

    “sorry i wasn’t thinking straight go”

    “are you sure?”

    “even if i wasn’t, i don’t have a hoie”

    harry sighed

    “you might want to hange the password”

    “you might want to fet it,” drao replied, without turning around

    “i don’t want to,” harry replied the entrane opened, seemingly more slowly than it ever had before, and still harry was gone all too quikly

    “it you fuking it,” drao murmured

    harry hurried down the hallway bak to his rooms

    “i love you, malfoy i love you, drao i love you, i’m sorry,” he whispered to himself “see, it’s not that hard to say”

    yet he ouldn’t say it he ouldn’t say it out loud, not when drao was there to hear

