《(HP同人)So,You Want to Die Young(英文版)》分卷阅读7

    he let his thoughts wander bak to the slytherin dungeons and how he might get in a simple unloking harm wouldn’t work, or else students would have been breaking into different house’s dormitories willy nilly he supposed he ould hardly ask mgonagall, either, as she seemed rather tight-lipped about the whole thing he was half w if he ould blow a hole in the wall of the dungeon when he notied something move out of the orner of his eye

    he gasped the wolf

    it was walking right up against the astle wall, so lose its side rubbed against the stone it seemed to notie harry in the same instane, stopping in its traks

    there was only about twenty feet between them

    harry dropped to a squat and held out his hand, as though the animal in front of him were a ommon house dog

    “hi,” he alled softly “i won’t hurt you if you don’t hurt me”

    the wolf tensed at harry’s voie, but did not make to run away

    “what are you doing so lose to the astle? hagrid doesn’t like it too muh, best not let him see,” harry ontinued, standing again and walking slowly towards the wolf his hand still extended he stopped when he had halved the distane and returned to a squat

    “e on now, i won’t bite,” harry said

    the wolf let out a snort that harry felt sounded strangely akin to a ugh, and then began to inh slowly towards him

    finally, the wolf reahed his fiips, but did not sniff him like a normal dog would instead they sat and looked up at harry, their eyes eerily intelligent they oked their head

    harry notied up lose that the wolf was not a true white, but rather a white gold

    “aren’t you a pretty thing? i told hagrid you were nothing to worry about,” harry murmured he reahed out and pet the wolf’s head, but drew his hand bak as soon as it made ontat a wave of unease ame over him, that sik feeling he had felt in the hall earlier

    the wolf did not move, other than to look away from harry, turning their nose into the air, as though offended

    “i didn’t mean anything by it,” harry said out loud, feeling suddenly defensive

    the wolf looked at him out of the orner of their eye

    harry was struk with how human the expresn was it reminded him of when he would talk to sirius when…oh oh

    “who—” harry began but the quesn died in his throat he leared it and began again “who, exatly, are you?”

    the wolf’s grey eye dragged away from him, looking forwards one more, only more pointedly this time

    “a student?”

    the wolf huffed



    “a professor, then?”

    the ugh-ish snort returned

    “no again?”

    the wolf srathed at their ear with their bak paw, as if to say, “just a wolf, thanks”

    “i know you’re not,” harry said, his voie dropping “you know who i am, don’t you?”

    another huff harry hose to read as an affirmative

    “then you know i was rather lose to sirius bk i know an animagus when i see one,” he said, most of the time, he added mentally

    the wolf turned bak to look at him, narrowing their eyes

    “you’re not helping your ase,” harry pointed out “beause you learly uand me”

    their eyes beame impossibly narrower

    “you’re a bit rubbish at being a dog, mate,” harry ughed

    the wolf sned at him half-heartedly

    “so, will you tell me?”

    the wolf looked at him ily for a moment, then stood, and began to walk away from harry, bak towards the wood

    “hey!” harry alled to him, but the wolf didn’t look bak

    harry wathed them disear into the line of the trees, beoming more onvined with eah step that, whatever was going on in this astle, whatever haunting he felt, had a lot to do with that damn dog

