《(HP同人)It Actually Hurts(英文版)》分卷阅读1

    it atually hurts



    for years, drao has tried to avoid harry potter he just knows he’ll make a fool out of himself if they spent more than five minutes in a room together unfortunately, potter suddenly seems i on beoming drao’s friend, but her of them are prepared for the iable onsequenes

    chapter 1: take it as a pliment

    saturday, 14 deember 2002

    “is that who i think it is?”

    drao was tempted to pinh the bridge of his nose and let out an exasperated sigh usually, he didn’t mind bise being overly dramati, but tonight, he definitely wasn’t in the mood for it

    “what did you expet?” he muttered as he sipped at his wine

    “i didn’t expet him to lean up so niely,” bise pratially purred

    drao peeked over at where potter was shaking hands with dozens of withes and wizards, all smiling broadly at him one wizard atually looked like he was about to piss himself ugh

    “sweet merlin, he ertainly is more harismati than he used to be, isn’t he?” bise said in an amused tone

    “bsp;you please not?” drao said his eyes lingered on potter’s robes, the way people were touhing them, as if all their sorrows would vanish with just one touh of the wizarding world’s glous saur potter didn’t seem to like it he nodded and smiled, but drao ould tell from the tenn in his shoulders and the weariness in his eyes that he wasn’t enjoying himself

    “don’t be a party pooper,” bise said, raising his hampagne flute

    “it’s my party,” drao sned, pointedly ign the fat that bise was still waiting for him to link gsses

    “exatly,” bise said heerfully, touhing his gss to drao’s with a toothy grin “i an’t wait till potter gets to us”

    holy, drao didn’t share the se he was far more omfortable wathing potter from afar he had been doing it for the st two hours, his eyes rarely leaving that poorly tamed bk hair as potter made his round through the room it may have been a bit hildish, but drao wasn’t pying at and mouse for his amusement he was doing it to keep his sanity intat

    tehnially, it was impolite not to greet the host of the party first, but, of ourse, potter had no idea drao was the host nobody did, exept for his losest friends

    “i need another one,” drao said, gesturing to his empty gss “you want something?”

    “why don’t you just wait for one of those waiters to ome by? you’ll miss potter if you go to the bar now,” bise said, without looking at drao

    of ourse, this was the very reason he was going to the bar, but bise didn’t need to know that

    “i’ll be right bak,” he simply said and made his way through the rowd, feeling more wobbly on his feet than he had antiipated he deliberated swithing to water instead of having another gss of wine he definitely shouldn’t be tipsy while potter was around

    as he reahed the bar, he peeked over his shoulder, athing a glimpse of bise with his most dazzling smile on his fae it eared drao had left at exatly the right time but judging from the way bise was stroking potter’s arm, it was very lear his friend shouldn’t be left alone with potter damn it, where was pansy when you needed her? although, drao doubted that would have stopped bise from shamelessly flirting with potter or anyone for that matter

    drao’s eyes wandered over to potter, who looked a bit flustered he drank in the rosy tint on his heeks, his lean shaven skin, the line of his jaw, the shape of his lips…

    why ouldn’t potter be one of those people who, when you met them years ter, suddenly looked hideous and nothing like you remembered them? why ouldn’t he have wrinkles all over his fae or a zy eye or a hunhed bak? of ourse he had to waltz in here, looking even more attrative than he had in shool why was the world so unfair?

    it was suddenly brought to drao’s attenn that there was another thing that hadn’t hanged one bit potter’s eyes were still so mesmerising, you ould drown in them, fet everything around you drao almost did, exept…there was a reason that realisan had suddenly hit him potter was staring right at him drao felt like the rug had been pulled out from under his feet a old shiver ran down his spine, followed by a hot fsh that prompted him to subtly y his hand on the bar for support

    tless times he had taken a look at the daily prophet, only for potter to stare at him from the front page drao always sowled bak, sometimes he even stuk out his tongue at the piture but now…it really wasn’t the same, seeing potter in person the most signifiant differene was, he always looked displeased in those pitures now, he looked… not shoked but…almost startled why, though?

    drao’s eyes widened as potter’s lips slowly strethed into the ghost of a smile he suddenly felt like the whomping willow had smaked him in the side of his head he let out the breath he hadn’t realised he’d been holding when potter turned his attenn bak to bise, nodding and smiling politely

    drao briefly losed his eyes, willing himself to pull it together but the tingling in the pit of his belly was hard to ignore he had known this evening would be…hallenging, but inviting potter had been the smart move to make drao would suffer through it for the greater good, so to speak inviting potter to an event automatially sparked the i of the whole wizarding world, and that was what drao needed, no matter how muh he disliked it

    it seemed so long ago that he had been a guest to events like this himself, and had atually enjoyed himself all these rih and pompous people were so inredibly b and irritating, he ouldn’t wait for this night to be over all he wanted was their money, and he often wondered if they even ared what he was doing with it so, yes, inviting
