《当烟云散去》第600章 海上生明月之一百四十七


    bamboos become downcast indown they never touch the mud a more when the red sun rises high, they again measure up to the blue sky.雪压竹枝低,虽低不着泥。一朝红日出,依旧与天齐。

    to see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wil infinty in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour.一沙一世界,一花一天堂。手中握无限,永恒刹那间。


    瑾瑜:“hou yi shoots the suns”(后羿射日)、“nu wa repairs the sky”(女娲补天)、“tourney to the west”(西游记)、“yu gong move a mountain”(愚公移山),这些故事里的英雄大家都熟悉吧







