《当烟云散去》第408章 百合花开在山野间(31~35)

    31. the era of the work(互联时代)

    everyone has a puter better than ten british museums. each will bee a learned scholar.

    in the era of the work, everybody will bee lovely. the differences between the rid the poor will disappear. the good, evil, beautiful and ugly will be sold off at reduced priowhere.


    32. about history

    we brush our teeth every day in order to keep them . we wash our faces and look in a mirror every day.the smelly mouth is terrible to smell while the dirty face is ugly to look at. who doesn’t be ed about face-saving?

    as is well known to us all, history is also a mirror, in whiesee the as and foresee the future. it is not only those who study history that should highly value history. anyone should study, know and recall it again and again.what if ohought is old-fashioned? is it just a shame that a dirty and ugly soul falls into the same old trap again?

    why is someone so crazy for hitler that he insists on following in his footsprints?

    you tell me why?


    33. man and nature(人与自然)

    man has been the servant of money long enough and is beginning to serve as a strong attat to the mae.

    when will man be able to be his own master, singing freely like birds and opening naturally like flowers?

    don’t ask me whether there exist true feelings in the world. imagine what the wind will say to you.



    34. may i ask…(试问)

    who is it that creates the world? those who believe in the christian religion think that it is god that created the world. materialists insist that it is labor that creates the world. may i ask that who it is that creates the world and at the same time destroys it? i wonder what grown-ups  have been doing.


    35. life’s water

    the waters of the hu