《当烟云散去》第399章 百合花开在山野间(11~15)


    having wio drink today, drink it till it is dark all round.

    having tears to shed tomorrow, let them shed to the end of the world.


    12. a happy time (欢乐时光)

    hey, hey, hey.how are you ? it’s a sunny day.let’s go to play by the side of the river, which dotsailing boats. and in the meadow flowers are in bright bloom.

    in the blue sky, we see clouds floating, and swallows flying. we are running after each other.the sky is full of laughter and we bee the envy of the fairy.


    13. together(在一起)

    what i’ve got, i’ll lose. what i’ve lost, i’ll own no more. i’ll have nothihis life. what ohi have left the other life? money? beauty? house? fame?

    my soul is rising, together with clouds in the sky. my body is sinking, together with the earth.


