《当烟云散去》第396章 百合花开在山野间(1~5)

    easter lilies grow in the mountains

    1. easter lilies(百合花)

    in the mountains enveloped it grows a kind of flowers called easter lily. a party of classmates and i were wild with joy. we stopped for a rest in front of her, singing and dang in the wind.

    in the past ten years i wonder if they have remained as beautiful and warm-hearted as before.



    2. relativity(相对性)

    what costs a lot is not so good as what costs a little. the flowers planted in the ground look more beautiful than those grown in flower pots.


    3.flowers and rubbish

    flowers should have them grow and open in the mountains or in the gardens. the picked flowers wither and turn into rubbish.

    rubbish usually has to be swept out of the door.



    a seed is very small,