《惊异宇宙》第十八章 之所以找你

    “is your father wang yi(你父亲是叫王毅吗)”市长问道。


    市长微微一笑,继续说道:“in those days(当年),painted skin said that a man named sima wenfei had asked for help to find out the cause of his death(画皮说有一个叫司马文飞的人让帮忙查一查他的死因),but i didnt even know him(但我根本不认识他)!i asked painted skin who it was(我问画皮那是谁),he said i didnt have to worry about it(他却说不用我管),i realized something was wrong(我意识到有什么不对劲),but i didnt ask much either(但也没多问)……”

    王锦森一惊:“painted skin(画皮)but my master said that he was looking for help from a man named zhang you(但我师父说他找来帮忙的是一个叫张游的人)!”

    市长意味深长地点了点头,说道:“the chinese name of the painted skin(画皮的中文名字)……is zhang you(就叫张游)……”

    司马文飞吓得长大了嘴巴:“then why did he help my master and then kill him(那他为什么先帮了我师父却又杀了他)”

    市长抿了抿嘴:“because of you(因为你)……”


    市长继续说道:“you must know spark alliance(你知道星火联盟),right(对吗)”


    “only later did the painted skin tell me that your master sima wenfei was once a member of the spark alliance(后来画皮才告诉我你的师父司马文飞曾是星火联盟的成员之一),and we wanted to use him to find you(所以我们想通过他来找到你)。”

    王锦森又是一愣:“find me(找到我)”

    市长点点头:“we have investigated the origin of each of you(我们调查过你们每个人对自己身世),sima xing is not sima wenfeis child(司马星不是司马文飞的孩子),his fathers name is ouyang yun(他的父亲叫欧阳云),do you know that(这你们知道吧)”



    无常清了清嗓子,又问道:“who is ouyang yun(欧阳云是谁)”

    市长这才回答:“we didnt deliberately check the information about him(我们没有刻意地去查过有关他的信息),we only know that he is your biological father(我们只知道他才是你的亲生父亲),and he is also chinese(还有,他也是中国人)!”


    王锦森又问道:“but what do you mean by what you just said(但可你刚刚说的那些关我什么事)”

    市长回答道:“listen to me(听我说完)。painted skin think there must be some reason why sima wenfei was able to join the spark alliance(画皮认为司马文飞能跻身于星火联盟一定有什么原因),as his apprentice(作为他的徒弟),you must have learned something(你一定学到了什么),this is why painted skin tried his best to let you come(这就是为什么画皮费尽心机都要让你来)。”

    王锦森又吼道:“but why did he kill my master(可是他为什么要杀我师父)”

    市长想了想,回答道:“maybe he wants to try if you are really capable(可能他想试试你是否真的有实力吧)!your master interfered with your test and naturally became a stumbling block in his eyes(你师父干涉了你的考验),so(所以)……”
